I think thats why I like Celestial Flare, doesn't have other requirements and is useful all game. Even kills Blood Barons.
Yay a brew control deck!Not the biggest fan of Smite. Seems kinda useless since you don't have many blockers until a 5 drop comes down. Maybe Celestial Flare?Otherwise I dig it, gonna proxy it and see if I enjoy playing it.
Deck made Top 8 today in a standard tourney at 3-1-1. Got mana screwed round 6 for both games against an Orzhov White Weenies deck so was punished for missing 4th land drops and colors.
I guess this isn't midrange, cause it's just so aggressive turns 1-3, but everything 4 drop and up is meant as a finisher.
I'm really just a huge fan of the Necromancer in the 3 drop spot. If against control we played Soldier, Precinct Captain and Necromancer and they Supreme Verdict, I still have 6 Power on the board.And back to Underworld Connections, it's only 1 main because it isn't great against a few faster decks. But against another "midrange" or a control deck it allows me to keep drawing gas to find answers.
I'm thinking of replacing the Glare of Heresy in the board with Doom Blades but Glare is pretty effective removal for a lot of important creatures, (Reckoner, Fleecemane) and has a use against some control effects (Chained to the Rocks, D Sphere)
The easiest cut I can find is Xathrid Necromancer which I feel is still an awesome play.I'm unsure what you mean by swapping the numbers, i'm playing 2 of both the Obzedat and the Blood Baron.I'm a fan of Underworld Connections because its continual and can be done on an opponents turn.I'm actually playing 1 more mainboard removal then Paul Rietzl/Patrick Chapin played at Pro Tour Theros
Why not just make it standard legal? :P seems really fun though!
This deck really really needs removal of some form to function properly. Only 1 of your creatures has trample and yes they may be huge from your mana ramp, but all that has to happen is a chump block before a supreme verdict or stalling for some other removal. Consider Time to feed or anything else like it, use it before combat to clear the way, then swing away.
Ahh just realized you changed it up again. Back to AEtherling :P... He's just sooo good. Big fan of the Keyrune btw, awesome add.
I'm worried about Spellheart Chimera's vulnerability to removal in using it as a win condition. Mizzium Mortars, Anger of the Gods, Lightning Strike and Abrupt Decay all remove it for pretty cheap.
Definitely considering all of the stuff you mentioned. Already playing Duress in the board along with Sin Collectors. Gonna be doing some play testing during FNM between draft rounds. My biggest issue with a lot of the cards is theyre huuuge money cards so I've been attempting to acquire them however slow it is. The deck in it's current state is still playable though, my aggro matchup is amazing because of Brave the Elements and I can usually put enough threats on the board to over run the opponent before a midrange deck can kill me. As I acquire cards i'll be changing the card list and giving standard tourney updates.
Control continually smashed this deck once they stabilize so a little more midrange gets added to the board to allow you to create much bigger more important threats in that matchup.
I would probably just drop her. Her scry ability on it's own is kind of a waste of a slot in my opinion, so unless you're trying to consistently get her online she really has no purpose. As a win condition she needs at least 2 other permanents to stay on the board just to reach devotion and is susceptible to being turned off with one well placed removal on another permanent. Given, your planeswalkers do all have some form of blue devotion though. I would take her out and put in some other form of more consistent win condition. (Probably just a playstyle difference anyway but you've shared constructive criticism on my decks so I figured why not return the favor ;P)
Just kind of curious what the Notion Thieves are for in the sideboard? Counter for the Mono-Blue deck?Also as a one-off Thassa seems pretty underwhelming, I don't see her becoming active very often and with only one you can't rely on getting her for her scry ability. There's gotta be something a little more useful, Consuming Aberration seems really fun or even dropping in another Aetherling.
glad you like it. it's been really fun playing it. turn 5 wins all the time!
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