your running g/w have you thought about the melira/phyrexian unlife combo to leave you less to fear about gettin popped for DD or loss of life?
hate to say it but when a third of your deck runs 4 or more to drop its highly unlikely youll pull a win on turn 2 or 3
run thraben doomsayers in your 3 drop slot to feed your ravenous demons, trust me they help ALOT
where are your vault of the archangels?
probably only two emissaries because of the playset of birds and with the pod, everything comes out cheap anyways
have you ever considered throwing deadly allures in there? they DESTROY, i run them in my undying pod deck, almost the exact same way as yours save that mine runs an oblitarator instead of a massacre wurm
AndWhere are your allures? Lol
The carnifex demon should probably best pulled for the beautiful reoccurring black suns zenith beihg as they are always soming back its a one sided wrath
i like the way the deck is lookin. did you think about using hex parasites to cycle the undying things like the messenger through the birthing pod? (cause with the hex the messenger is a great way to nuke life) the messengers can keep bein dumped even if you have no 4 drop creatures
sry its 8 on the first
have you thought about ascetisism's with precursor golems? cause then its 2 precursors and 4 golems with one parallel lives and 4 precursors 32 golems with 2
Yeah I agree if your pull a couple of the ramps for a couple win conditions you should dont a bit better feel free too take a look at mine for ideas. Comments are always welcome
Good looking deck but the inkmoths are just hindering you from vomiting your forests for your dungroves it combat shenanigans at best.
Lolin place of lumberknot not oozes
liking the deck. i agree a couple bloodlettings would ensure that if the game dragged on you could throw some goblins at them for the win before the others decks overwhelmed you.
not bad but i feel like the elberus's are just filler spots, if i were you i would pull them for a couple green suns zeniths to help speed your deck up. Feel free to check out my werewolf deck for idea's, comments are welcome and wanted.
i've also debated throwin in a couple thruns in place of a couple of the oozes to help with some power
so what exactly are you tryin to accomplish here?
Biggest problem isn glissa isn legendary. Great idea though
Also put in a couple black suns zeniths
161-180 of 184 items