not too shabby bro, looks like a solid fuck your face B/R deck. love the playset of avatars to really smash. Thanks for the comment on the delver miracle deck. Feel free to check out my other works or art lol
have you thought about runnin the alchemists apprentice's and/or Dual Castin? being able to replicate your miracles is an amazing way to speed up your wins. and with the apprentices if you sack them on their turn your miracles will still happen regardless of bein a sorcery or not. Feel free to check out my B/R miracle deck. Comments/Suggestions are always welcome/appreciated
your runnin ponders and faithless lootings, why not play with mroe miracles? the ponders allow you to make sure you miracle your burn and/or extra turns, looks like it could be fun though. Check out my B/R miracle deck. Comments/Suggestions are ALWAYS appreciated
I called Wizrds to make sure that things work the way i had hoped they would, and if you have no cards in hand and you use the draw one discard one, the miracle happens in between the draw and discard so even with that you can still miracle on your oppents turn and they happen regardless of bein a sorcery or not YAY FOR EXTRA TURNS! especially on your opponents turn lmao
I do hafta say one thing, there is a new errata stating that if you create an infinite combo that you CANNOT stop (like the one you have) that you automatically lose, regardless of the infinite effect. Check out wizards on the exact wording but yeah, the combo will make you lose.
ummm, just so you know the -1/-1's DO remove the +1/+1's it says so on the little rules/tips cards you get in booster packs. hence why i run two Black sun's in my undying pod deck, i called wizards to make sure, and thats why black sun is SO broken
i would throw in shape anews, you can drop your wellsprings to em to pull other shit (possibly your colossus) for free
endless ranks of the dead smash face in a mono black zombie deck, if you dont smash within a turn or two after gettin it out and they manage to stall your dumping HUGE piles of tokens
where are your blighted agent? 2 drop for 1/1 infect unblockable would help you out ALOT with your proliferate. Check out my decks, comments or suggestions are more than welcome
nice deck! the only down thing i have to say is i think your relyin a little too much on gettin your ramp cards, and if someone trashes that, your whole deck slows to a stop, with all your high casting cost creatures and no eldrazi spawn producers your lookin slightly rickity
i would really put in some huntmasters, pull the shepherds and one intigator gang and put in the huntmasters, cause then you will either slow them down (due to not wantin him to flip) or youll drop tokens/dmg/life gain
Id pull the gavaleers for chieftains being as you have no equipment and with the ramp the extra cost isn nothing feel free to check out my rdw goblins. Comments or suggestions are welcome
Most of those spells have long since faded from T2 and this deck appears to be such
Thanks, I dont normally play burn or goblins but the chancellor plunge combo is gross
Point noted, and remedied. Any suggestions or comments?
Noy help had it right red suns not flashback its recursion
Griselbrand isnt legal yet cheater lol
Lol nvm onr the sorins since you got three use doomsayers
The mikaeus does you no good in a token deck cause tokens dont go to the graveyard they get exiled when they die. Pull them for two sorins or a couple thraben doomsayers itll do you more good and it will lower your overall casting cost
Took me about ten hands to even pull a turn 2 win lol
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