I LOVE WOLVES. this deck looks nice, but you may want to remove the sanctuaries, as they can be time cosuming, impact negatively on your mana base, and are a big loss if destroyed. rather add one additional forest and possibly 3 signets or just more mana.
Thanks joande. do you know the U/G snake deck's name?
Please comment.
Thanks. i am posting a new version of the deck : Sneaky Snakes II.
Thanks zras. the Ohran Vipers may be a bit difficult to get, but i will look into the asps.
Please Help
Thanks Youngdrew.
Tell me what ya think.
thanks DARKHAWK. will rate yours.
I give it a 8/10.
I Like. Nothing says goodbye like endless burn. Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me what you think. Dragonkar
Thanks Corilithon, i'll think on adding maybe some more land destruction.
How about adding in these cards from Future Sight? Veilstone Amulet, Cloud Key and if you want, how about Akroma's Memorial. other spells you can play would probably be counter spells, or pump up, or burn. depends on the competition. maybe add some small board burn like pyroclasm. it depends.
Try narrow it down to 60 or so cards, getting rid of uneeded cards.
Thanks vaultatog. I'll think on it.
By the way, thanks Skywarp2049.
when you're done searching, return to the deck, and fill in the amount of cards you need next to the cards. when your done, click the yes block in the info page that asks if you're finished, and click the icon box at the bottom of the page that says save this deck. your deck will be saved, and can be viewed by all. if any more problems, just ask.
All you have to do madzikero is go to your account via logging in. From there you click on the icon on the top right hand corner that says create new deck. you type in the rquired info, and click save. From there, you click on the newly created deck when it returns you to your deck viewing page, and click on the icon on the top right hand corner that says edit this deck. at the bottom of the info page, there will be an icon that says add new card. type in the cards you require and search.
41-60 of 128 items