Any tips or advice welcomeThanks
Suggestions Welcome and helpful tips and card changes idea greatly appreciated
Thanks Dorito1080, i hadn't seen much in decks along this idea and i thought about doing one , i think it be funny and cool
Trying to think of a cool idea along these lines !!!
i only pick him because he the best blue black legendary that somewhat fits, deck not really milling or sac creatures , for the splash of blue and few extra creature i like the unblock able idea
Made a blue black idea infect may be faster
Whats that supposed to mean ? I changed the commander put the wrong one in
Still needing some fillers
another angle to the infect
Took out plaguemaw beast and put in ichorclaw myr
Thanks for looking at it !
Found cards to cut and need to pick up a tutor and removed throne of geth , grim affection, and grasp of darkness
Did the changes i had to keep a couple in like ethersize i switched for rift and i play alot of token decks sometimes, and mana leak is a chance thing it works out and a artifact for god removal for fade but i like all the other ideas , hows it look now for what it is ?
Not yet, but a good possible idea !
Thanks for your advise ! I make some changes to this when i get home from work
Sorry everyone for spaming on your decks, ive only trying to get advice and i guess i went the wrong way ! Didn't intend too. I try to think cool names oh well ill just post a deck and let it be
I was only asking a few regulars that post alot a decks for some help on my deck is that too much to ask, i only asked a few people , i didnt spam on more then 6 and i also comment on there deck in a positive way
Just wondering how this would do in a tournament, 1 vs 1 , i know froup would or just 1vs 1 in general need a few cards to takes out , thanks for any tips or advice
How is this deck ? Check out my latest EDH if you have a moment thanks
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