Massive Raid could work in yours but looks good what you have, just had a second look, thanks for tips on mine made a few changes
Maybe swtch curse of bloodletting for curse of slaked prey one, I am aiming to play this at a 1vs1 tourney swiss 30 life. So maybe take out the wellspring and kudota rebirth and maybe moggcatcher for the tourney its a bit slow and the wizard, whats your thoughts ? I moved some stuff to sideboard
now you fun with
and its mainly goblins !
Blackmail , great deck If you have a moment check out a couple of my last edh decks i made thanks !
Cool deck, If you have a moment check out a couple of my last edh decks i made thanks !
How is this deck so far ? If you have a moment check out a couple of my last edh decks i made thanks !
How is this this deck to play ? If you have a moment check out a couple of my last edh decks i made thanks !
Maybe a ground damage spell or thran dyanmo artifact and elvish piper and also some protection spells of artifacts , great deck though !!! I made a goblin edh yesterday have a look if you have a moment thanks
Maybe the common goblin that makes giant spells 1 less to cast , check out my new goblin edh if you have a moment
Neat idea, if you could add in traunmitize and haunting echos on sideboard it be funny, if you have a moment have a look at my edh deck
Ascitism maybe, Have a look a the red gobbo deck i just put up if you have a min
Have a look a the red gobbo deck i just put up if you have a min
Thanks for the tips !
i gotcha now, thanks
I made some big changes , have a look !
Put in a boil and pyroblast
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