Thanks for feedback, the idea behind this deck is to get Reaper King or Mishra out, and use Prototype Portal / Mirrorworks to get more copies of the other scarecrows out. Also I'm going to cheat and say Adaptive Automaton is a scarecrow too :P But yeah as far as variety goes I could do a lot better in terms of actual scarecrows
Yeah i've been wanting to make one for a while, I'd stick some Scarecrone's in too but quite costly so will put them in later on ^^, Thanks for commenting
this looks like an awesome deck! will definitely try something like this for fun
Seeing as you don't really need the mana from Caged Sun for anything other than Genesis Wave, I'd consider taking out these for Adaptive Automaton. More expensive but you're getting the benefit from the +1/+1 from Caged Sun as a creature for half the mana. I'd also take out the 2 Genesis Waves and just play another 2 Doubling Chants. Joraga Warcallers would also be good instead of the non-elf creatures but this obviously only applies until Standard rotates in a few weeks.
Looking forward to building this and trying this out! Think I'd add 4 Oblivion Rings and some dual lands though and take out the Pacifisms.
awesome deck! it's ridiculous how quick you can get fat creatures out with the quests
Thanks for comment! Phyrexian rebirth would be pretty awesome against creature heavy decks yeah, dunno what I'd take out of here for it though!
I would mix it with green for the mana ramp and you'd be able to play a lot more higher cost cards too. Have a look at my G/W angels deck, it's really fun to play with and mixing Admonition Angels with the mana ramp is disgustingly satisfying ^^,
I like the combo's. Nice deck. Please take a look at my Angel deck and lemme know what you think!
Ah they are so good on my Indomitable Archangel though when there's a Platinum Angel out, or even just a Darksteel on my Platinum Angel. In quite a few of my games it's a big win condition that my Angel is untouchable. Is the quest maybe something I should change?
The Unsummons are partly for bouncing my Venerated Teachers back too or any arrested / mind controlled stuff. Agree with the Frostwind Invoker and Whispersilks, what about Emerge Unscathed?
Ah awesome hadn't thought of that! Thanks!
Really like the Viral Drake / Training Grounds combo, I don't like Phyrexian cards much but I try and incorporate this into my level up deck just for that ability. Nice one
My bad, didn't realise above poster also commented about the Journey > Ice Cage thing!
Yeah I should try and get removal in really. At the moment the only thing is Argentum Armor and 4 Quests to accelerate getting it out but would maybe try getting some Journey to Nowheres in and Revoke Existences in the Sideboard. Need it down to 60 cards before either of those though I think :P
agree with above comment, 13 lands is far too little for a deck. Granted you have Mox Opal but you can only ever have 1 out on the battlefield at a time and it's only active when you have Metalcraft. I'd put 17 in like above suggested and also maybe take out a few creatures to put in Gold / Silver Myrs. I'd probably take out Glint Hawks as it doesn't do too much for you and you already have a decent amount of cheap fliers (glint hawk idol / ornithopter). Glint hawks would also not benefit from your artifact-buffing cards. Also, I'd take out Ice Cage, not only because I've never been a fan (would disappear if they even equipped the creature you'd enchanted) but also because you can use something much better for the same amount of mana: Journey to Nowhere. It's a white card and as many decks don't mainboard enchantment removal, creature could potentially be permanently exiled. Like the ideas and deck though, hope this helps!
Oh, will also mention when I first saw the title of this deck in your profile I first assumed it was going to be based on Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite ^_^
Love this deck! Would like to do a version of this myself but with around 60 cards :P Some nice cards here I'd never heard of, I really need to start branching out more into Extended / Legacy ha. Only one thing, a soldier dedicated deck with no Gideon?! He's expensive but would batter in this deck! Got a few new decks up myself, would appreciate some advice!
Yeah Arbiter does look awesome, don't think I'd use the Quests for this deck if i were to remake it again (currently focusing on another deck i've made: i'd use lots of ornithopters / memnites as creatures. Thanks again for advice, would appreciate it if you had any tips for that deck i just linked! =]
Just looked up Prototype Portal, hadn't heard of it before, can see how awesome it'd be to constantly replicate cheap equipments to attach to Kemba! Nice deck too, thanks for the tip!
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