no he is trying to turn his deck into something everyones doing, he wants to have 0 life not swing with a 6/6 a 13/13 look at the fucking deck set up
and cut it down, 78 cards. seriously
substitute the obelisks of esper for arcane sanctums and throw in more removal and maybe use white and ornithopters
this is something i was thinking about doing, cept i like swerves and you may want ricochette traps
hella agro decks will bend this over a table
i like it
you can counter, isocrone scepter or the morph counter cards, even the other creature cancels.
this is kind of basic but i like it, real simple and fast, but really easy to stop. like really easy.
either make blue more in this deck or take it out
you know, red isnt the best combat for allies, it really is more of a support color white and green are the best combat, blue is good but not for combat. coat of arms is fine in there kite sail can go. you know ancient ziggerat always sounds good but you will be disapointed with it! if your going for a quick kill ally force, work on green white with support from red and maybe splash black for awesome, but if your looking for fun maybe remove the generic allies and make like a huge mana ramp deck and then have big big creatures that are effect, or possible even scrap your whole idea and work towards a black blue mill take deck, with agadeem ocultist and halimar excavater.
hey this is alright, but in the spectrum of allies 3 color is all that is needed to win, i like naya but some people like 4c with out red locally im kind of an ally expert as far as small towns go. blue allies kinda suck unless you want to do a grixis ally deck meant to mill and take and burn but if your going to 5 color you need: harabaraz druid, kazuul warlord, ondu cleric, hagara diabolist, sea gate loremaster, kabira evangel, kazandu blademaster, talus paladin, and in rare cases vastwood animist really does wonders
why have scape shift in land fall, make it extended thats stupid, besides there is a land fall infinite combo in standard using lotus cobra ruin ghost and tidewater elemental
the ripple card is almost pointless in this deck, really isnt going to be the most useful
well what do you expect vampires are the new over powered shit for now, i dont have any problem with this deck except that those tap lands really suck and should not be in their, its really nothing in comparison to the rest of the life gain. i kinda like this though. i want to do bant life gain exalted a little
if you have catacombs in their just to landfall expedition thats stupid
yeah unless your talking about turn 2 win for your opponent with you using summoners pact
ehhhh you could do better more vampire spells as opposed to a ton of creatures and it says you have no nighthawks
dude the sad news that until worldwake no good elf decks are gunna be made, alteast not in comparison to the over power vampires. yeah the allies need to go they are crap when not in an ally deck
then shut up lol
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