the only black you have in here that is alright is diabolist switch seascape for loremaster run 4 blademasters 4 hada freeblades and 4 kabira evangles the agadeem ocultist is shit in reality, especially against UW control Kazuul warlord is necessary if you face needing more removal then put in pyromancers they are alright
i genuinely hate you, there is no reason to have any of those non standard land in there for one shivan oasis sucks now, and with this kind of deck gruul turf will set you back a turn, then you lose like a bitch sporecap spider isnt good enough for this in reality you will just be sad when you draw it other then that its an allright idea but still needs work
this isnt type 2
sorry it has one card to do it turn 3 if you explore and have an abundant land
this deck has no possibility to get your polymorph down turn 3. your description is wrong and this isnt an original idea i do like this color scheme better then the other ones though, but still
still dude, i see this having a 1/3 chance of winning every time, not terrible but that isnt a match that you'd win it looks like jund will rock this any thing with heavy creature hate hell i could see one guard duty lock this down besides that this isn't an original idea
this looks like its not going to be worth all the money that would go into it with your 6 $40+ planes walkers budget this deck looks a lot better then this and you spelled conscription wrong it the description of your deck.
why dont you have any of the ravinca block mage mark enchantments, they will rock so much in here
i like the simplicity of this deck, maybe add a couple m10 r/g land
DOUCHEBAGGS THAT DO THIS SHOULD GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE both elfball and not posting in the deck area
take out the druid of the anima and add birds of paradise then add bloodbraids, ember weaver can go out and you might want to add some other enchantments, so if you only get 2 magemarks out it still goes around nicely
add seagate lormaster with all these low cost cards you will top deck by like turn 6
This is EDH he needs one more card. chuck norris is awesome asshole know what your talking abou tfirst
first off its a 3/3 and it gets bigger. my problems with this deck is it needs 2 more land minimum i think this has no late game at all, maybe if you added a dragon brood mother that would help, and adding bloodbraid elves would do wonders for you. oh and more removal then just a cunning spark mage basilisk color.
from experience mind funeral works better then glimpse the unthinkable, trust me mind funeral rapes their mind
no you dont need kite sail but you should have some basilisk collars, they work great with kor duelist dont completely cut magebane and cloak keep one or two of each in maybe 1 or two more emeria the sky ruins you cant just hope to get it.
standard before zendikar..... those tron lands disperse and spell syphone arnt in any more...
Unless you want to throw Basilisk Collar in there some of those pingers may not be best use, in your side bored i would rune Infests, sure it hurts your creatures too but it costs tons less and maybe some volcanic fallouts too.
you cant ping it before it gets counters it gets the counter while entering play, they give it to them selves you got the raw end of the deal there.
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