That's a fair criticism. They still might be worth consideration depending on who you play with, but with the wrong opponents they're strictly worse Cancels or just dead cards without Blind Seer. And after a second look at Dream Tides, it doesn't actually work the way I'd like to. Still fun to mess around in concepts I don't often think about!
More cards with color conditions!: Tidal Control, Tidebinder Mage, Hunting Drake, Homarid Shaman, Dream Tides, Consign to Dream, Douse, Flashfreeze, Gainsay, Jaded Response.
I'm pretty bad at limited, in general. But here are a couple stabs at decks. for standings, really couldn't even guess. Sealed is a strange beast of topdecks and corner-cases that befuddles me.
Highly recommend one Aggressive Mining in majority-burn decks. If you're mainly creature based, it doesn't work as well since top-decking creatures isn't likely to get you that last bit of damage through when they've stabilized. I'm also looking forward to throwing a Molten Vortex into some burn decks and see how it does. I feel that it has strong synergy with Aggressive Mining in a more midrange burn, drawing cards from land you no longer need, and turning any additional land you draw into shocks*. *ignoring it's not a synergy at all, but simply a way to get around the drawback of not being able to play land : PThank you both for your comments.
Thanks, added 2x PLA to the sideboard. I personally prefer the Day's Undoing, because I really think the drawing 7 is the important part. If you've got no fogs left in hand and you're looking at a lethal boardstate, shuffling in your graveyard and drawing 1 card is not a very consistent way of getting the fog you need. Drawing 7 from a 50ish card deck (assuming you have roughly ten permanents) is much more likely to get you that fog you need.You could argue that it needs Dig through Time or some other heavy draw besides Treasure Cruise, but DtT is oftentimes going to delve even harder than a TC, and you can't afford to eat up your precious fogs in the process. Furthermore, DtT is a further nonbo with Sphinx's Tutelage (as is Day's Undoing) because it doesn't draw the cards, so you have no added benefit of combo synergy either. Basically, there's just not a better "dig for my fogs" card in standard, in my opinon.All that aside, I haven't actually played or tested the deck in any way; perhaps another card could fill the slot, but I have no ideas for something better. Really appreciate the feedback.
I'd rather lose to my own enchantment than get ground out by hard control or siege rhino. If there's the chance that I can gain enough advantage over three turns to eke out a win against my hardest match ups, I'll take it. As it is, every game I've resolved it, I've won as a direct result of it's abilities; Dimir/Esper control generally won't counter it, and it is bonkers against them. 4 cmc to draw 2, gain 4 life, make them discard 2 and lose 4 life? Not to mention the 2 free devotion; I'm living in Valuetown and they don't even want to counter it.I genuinely appreciate the thoughts, though. A different UB build could probably run some Silumgar's Commands, or, frankly, any old bounce. But then that'd be the spell they counter and you'd lose anyway, not to mention setting yourself up for the negative tempo of using a card to return your own permanent, resetting what advantage you set out to gain in the first place. All-in with Pact is just more effective in my opinion.All that being said, I'm a Red Mage who likes to run a single Aggressive Mining in most RDWs I've built. A game stalled is a game lost.
I have an old Theros Standard deck that was a super-grindy combo with Jalira and Worldspine Wurm. The main card I'd suggest from it is Trading Post, which produces tokens, but more importantly, lets you sacrifice your Worldspine Wurm in response to any sort of cruddy exiling removal (allowing you to get your 5/5 tokens and letting you shuffle Wurmy back into the deck). Anyway, I'd just take a look at the deck and see what ideas you might come up with. <a href="">Jalira-Post</a>
The Aggressive Mining doesn't usually come up, but IF the board state stalls out on turn five or six it's really bad for aggro right? You're desperate to get those last 4 or 5 points of damage in, just desperate enough to play Aggressive Mining. Basically Aggressive Mining let's you draw up to an additional 6 cards by your next turn (2 cards the turn you play Agg.M. + 2 cards on their turn + 2 cards on your turn) and get that last bit of pain in before they stabilize. Sure it might cost you 2 or 3 lands in the process, but sometimes you need to dig down 4 cards for your Stoke/Lightning Strike. I appreciate the input, but sadly I don't know anything about Modern so I won't have any advice for you. I wish you luck.
@Necrumlsice: The combo uses Temur Ascendancy, Temur Sabertooth, and Voyaging Satyr+Nykthos or Karametra's Acolyte to produce infinite mana (probably others as well, but I'm not intimately familiar with the deck). You use Temur Sabertooth's activated ability to return your mana dork, play the same mana dork which has haste due to Temur Ascendancy, and doing this you can produce infinite mana. At that point, Temur Ascendancy's draw a card clause will usually let you draw your whole deck if you want to and play all of your cards with your infinite mana, then attack with your entire deck which still has haste. It's pretty gruesome.
Please forgive me for not reading through all of the comments up to this point; thank you for doing this. It's so refreshing to see someone introduce the basics of competitive play instead of blathering on and on about meta, and strictly better versions of cards, and tiers. I genuinely appreciate the direction you're taking with this :)
Precisely right about post-rotation. Originally I had Sacred Foundry in the list, forgot to look for a replacement for Chained to the Rocks. Unfortunately, Wooded Foothills and Bloodstained Mire don't help diversify the mana, and while Flooded Strand will be a welcome addition it won't help me find anymore mountains, so Chained is definitely out. I'll probably throw in 4 Suspension Field from KoT and take out the 3 Chained and 1 Banishing Light. Also, as much as I LOOVE the idea of First Response with the damage from lands, I'm looking for a replacement for that.
I feel like Gaddock Teeg belongs in this deck. I also just find Reclaim incredibly gross, I'd rather run something like Eternal Witness because you get it right back to hand and it has a nice 2/1 body. Hope these suggestions are helpful.
It depends on the set the lands are from. Generally speaking, lands from Duel Decks do not have a cost in MTGVault's system. If you're trying to get a total $ amount not including lands, specifically look for basic lands released in Duel Decks (for example, a <a href=" ">Mountain from the Elves VS Goblins Duel Deck</a>).
Cheap red decks are my favorite. Classic goblins (or cliche goblins, I suppose), enjoy.
Yeah, it would have been Naya colors and then just Jalira..but the blue kept creeping in because I was dying for some card draw and then one thing led to another and...back to Bant. I think if green had better ramp (or if populate cards had a better curve), I wouldn't have felt such a need for card draw. And it probably didn't help that I have such a massive crush on durdle control featuring a Trading Post, it was inevitable that it would come to this. Anyway, thanks for the positive response :D
I know it's been a while, but after some long, grueling trial and error..I made a Jalira Trading Post Control abomination. I started out Naya (I really tried D:), hoping I could incorporate Assemble the Legion and Boros Charm. But in the end, I just felt like Trading Post Control was a better vehicle to deliver the punch. Midrange/ramp has never really been my forte.
The beauty is that none of my draw spells actually draw cards. Courser of Kruphix simply lets you play land from your deck and Kruphix's Insight looks at the top six and then put them into your hand (which isn't considered drawing). Spirit of the Labyrinth should help against control decks that are digging for those boardwipers.
Having had a little experience with some Trading Post decks in the past, may I suggest Prophetic Prism as an alternative mana fixer? It's just a really standard mana fixer, draws you a card when it comes out, AND in a trading post deck can be sacrificed later to draw again! It's like a really wonky, mana fixey, Think Twice. That being said, I love the idea of a Polymorph type deck like this, and you even have a safety net for her in Rootborn Defenses, which is brilliant. Nice work! Do you mind if I toy with a Naya version of this?
I would like to correct that you CAN stay alive at 0 life with Angel's Grace and you CAN pay life to 0 (supposing Angel's Grace resolves as normal; it specifically says that you can't lose the game this turn, regardless of the circumstances). The only stipulation of paying life is that you may only pay life that you actually have. So, if you cast Channel and you have 0 life, you have no life to pay for the effect; you also can cast Noxious Revival by paying life as long as you have 2 life to pay, if you only have 1 or 0 life then you can't (even without a card that prevents game loss, it is legal to do this).Also of note, paying life is considered the same as loss of life, so Angel's Grace's damage reduction won't affect any of what I mentioned above. All that aside, I really like the combo :) keep up the good work, Johnny!
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