
84 Decks, 49 Comments, 3 Reputation

Great deck. But how do you feel about my friend DoJ?

Posted 15 February 2011 at 06:14 as a comment on Genyu Force


Disagree. The primary function of the cascade is to get out cheap cards with exalted quickly. By turn 4, i could have 3 cards with exalted, or one if i play Nulltread Gargantuan, and then cascade into a few more. the deck is based around accumulating creatures for an all out assault late game with an absurdly powerful creature. Which reminds me. I'm going to add in distortion strike (2) and then perhaps two more bant charms.

Posted 14 February 2011 at 20:08 in reply to #129222 on Super Bant Bros. *Now with more Cascade!*


I really like the Semblance Anvils; it cuts down on the cost immensely and saves time. In my opinion, I would reduce the Talus Paladins to one, or even none. If you have Ondu Cleric you won't need lifelink. It's almost overkill. I see the use of Renegade Doppelganger as well, but again it feel as if it's just overkill. You have enough allies as it stands, and it's not as though it's helpful in any other dimension. I would choose between either Umara Raptor or Tajuru Archer and eliminate Seascape Aerialist entirely. I'd rather have Umara Raptor myself, as it's a great defense and a good offense. I'm not going to reccommend any of these for elimination as you might like one over another, but you have a large number of 4 and 5 drops which I think will slow you down a bit even with Semblance Anvil. I would recommend Hada Freeblades as it's both fast and useful late game. However, I don't want to shift the color balance, so you'd have to account for making sure you keep up a good ratio between colors. Even still, if you eliminate Talus Paladin and replace it with Freeblades, it will quicken things up to some degree. I would only put 1 Hagra Diabolist in the deck as well, but that's just my taste. Overall, I feel as though it could make a really amazing deck.

Posted 09 January 2011 at 09:50 as a comment on Allies!


Thanks a ton. I never really thought of flying to be honest, but now that I see it you're so right. Thanks for such a comprehensive list. The only problem with Mimic Vat is that it's expensive. I'm not looking to keep it on a particularly low budget, but some cards can be just out of my price range. However, Leyline of Anticipation, Asceticism and especially Rite of Replication are amazing. I'll definitely have to include them.

Posted 09 January 2011 at 09:31 in reply to #113864 on Allies [Standard]


I'll do that. I've never played someone who used a Mimic Vat, but Vines of Vastwood is something that's ruined me before. Thanks.

Posted 08 January 2011 at 21:33 in reply to #113838 on Allies [Standard]


Too bad Adam's decks are dumb and don't deserve to be better.

Posted 29 October 2010 at 19:19 in reply to #95256 on Adam's Elves


Divinity of ride costs too much. I mean actual money.

Posted 29 October 2010 at 17:49 in reply to #95255 on White Black


This deck destroys.

Posted 22 October 2010 at 06:48 as a comment on Blue-Black Aggro


I actually think I'm going to try and see how this deck might fair without elspeth. Even without her -5, the mass kill spells can wipe the field for luminarch to be used for maximum efficiency.

Posted 19 October 2010 at 18:58 in reply to #93835 on White-Blue Luminarch


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