No problem, I just remember that card because I used it in a commander deck of mine based on tap /untap... very annoying. I usually don't ask for comment around, but I am curious about what you think of my last deck, Chronozoa and Friends: Blue. I feel it miss something...
Yeah, Frost Breath is just a filler that help get some damage through later in the game. Maybe I'll put in a pair of Whispersilk Cloak?
If you want to have fun with Gideon's Avenger I can suggest Narcolepsy instead of Paralyzing Grasp.
I like it, I play something very similar. Too bad my play group is heavy on the protection from black keyword -_-
Yes, Pyrohemia is a must. And Spitemare too if you want an alternative to Stuffy Doll. If you add white consider Purity to transform all the damage you take thanks to Pyrohemia or Earthquake in life gain.
Seems good. I like wellsprings and artillerize. If you playtest it I'm curious about how it goes. Oh, and like +1!
All that mana....Helix Pinnacle?
If you use Sanguine Bond, maybe you'll want to use also Blood Tribute. If you play it kicked with a sanguine bond you kill your opponent.
If I find some red card draw I will make a mono red version of it. For now Preordain, Foresee and Mitotic Manipulation let me dig for Ascension and a copied Call to Mind grant me a costant supply of instant and sorcery.
Nice idea but don't you think this is a little slow? You basically start playing on the third turn. You suggested me Everflowing Chalice for one of my decks, maybe now I could do the same :D
Do you think Myrs are inefficient? I basically chose them because i needed mana source and also some creatures for the early game. I'll make a search on gatherer for some other golem.
If you want to add something flavorful try Serrated Arrows.
I tried it btw against mono green elves tribal, mono white knights tribal and mono green big mob, and it seems to suffer a little in the long run because the opponent can develop is board position pretty much undisturbed, Chronomantic escape is a real life saver versus weenie decks with too much creatures and mana to spend (talking about elves, sigh). Don't you think High Ground may be better than Echo Circlet? Too bad there's no black. I was browsing my old cards yesterday and I found Souls of the Faultless. I immediatly thought of this deck!
Precursor Golem is awesome with splinter twin if you want another little trick :D
Ah, I just looked again at this deck and I remember that I wanted to ask you something. What do you think of the merfolks of Lorwyn and Shadowmoor blocks? I asked because I noted you didn't use any of them.
Extirpate maybe can cause some problem...
I didn't think a defender deck was possible. I love it, and Chronomantic Escape is a great card for this, I use them in the white blue version of my Chronozoa deck along with paradox haze. They are good also on normal deck, just need to play them in the right order to cover all the 3 turns timespan. Now I feel like cpt. Obvious lol
The problem with Merfolk deck is that all the time I tried to make one I didn't know if to go the aggro way or the mill way...and ended up doing both really bad.
Doubling Season is good, but I wanted to keep the mana cost as low as possible. If you look to the stats, the 6 mana slot is never used, because you're going to suspend Reality Strobe, not to cast it. Mycoloths are alone in the 5 mana slot and I was undecided until the last moment if to keep them or drop them to use 2 more Evolution Charm or Thallid Shell-Dweller.
Yes, it may be faster, actually I played also a green/blue version of it. But this one in particular was made for a deck challenge, the point was to do obscene damage in only one hit. Having optimal condition this could do it. Due to green ramp the green/blue version is faster to reach ideal conditions (4 mana and chronozoa on table, maybe some paradox haze) but is lacking all 'remove time counter' effects provided by red, so it slow down when you came to the point of the deck (fast replication). Once you got the blue core of the deck you can pair it with any colour, for example white may be good too (paradox haze and chronomantic escape? Yes please!) and black can add some removal. You can also play mono blue, adding more control elements. I don't think 3 colours will do well though, Chronozoa is heavy blue on the mana cost.
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