Maybe you can try to switch out Hopeful Eidolon and Nyxborn Shieldmate? I don't like high bestow cost for little effect.
What are you thinking about Nomad Mythmaker and Hyena Umbra? Hyena Umbra is cheap and offers protection, Nomad Mythmaker let you reuse enchantment but maybe is too slow. I also like Shilana Ledgewalker for fast start.
For a cheap sacrifice outlet I always used Viscera Seer. Kor Skyfisher would do fine in this deck but I see that all the other creatures are better :D
I was going to said it too :D
Yes, usually Bird of Paradise ends up dying under a flying truck. In our game there was only one time when they got revenge dropping a loxodon warhammer on the head of a player, killing him. That was hilarious.
Why you chose Spiritual Visit? Is it for the low mana cost or for the splice into arcane ability?
Cheers! Blue: Chronozoa, my favourite card. I continue to make a lot of decks with it. Green: Vigor. That's just awesome. Red: Pyromancer Ascension. This card screams build me a deck! Black: Nether Traitor. I don't know why, I just like the reanimation effect I think. White: Windborn Muse. Multyplayer is much more safe to play with her at your side :D As for the question... wich color do you see better paired with chronozoa and why? Don't look at my decks, I'm looking for new ideas.
Nice deck, I like it. Are you sure this is modern legal?
So why you said to use it only after past in flames?
I don't know if you read comments on your old deck, but I think Innistrad has something good for this deck. Are you perhaps thinking about an update? I have a very similar EDH deck, not yet posted, and I put in Doomed Traveler instead of Lantern Kami for example. I haven't yet look at uncommons or rares.
It is still better than most decks :D Seriously, I've seen some very bad deck in the first page in the last few weeks. I wonder what's happening at the general level of the site.
Sorry to say it, but if you flashback all with Past in flame, you won't have a graveyard anymore so elixir of immortality is pretty useless. If you flashback something the card get exiled so it won't be reshuffled in your deck. Nice combo anyway.
...Mycoloth...devour all...add paradox haze after that for more giggle (work also with followed footsteps) :D
Have you considered Sundial of the Infinite to keep the angel token? Do you think the Geist would do well in a white/blue token deck? I have recently built one but I'm not sure about the Geist. It seems to me that it need a lot of support to work well.
How did this end up there? Suggestions that I am sure somebody already said: If possible get down to 60 cards. Try to get 4 of the more important cards like Knight Exemplar, removing fillers like Caravan Escort or Lionheart Maverick or moving to the side Silver, White and Lightwielder for when you play against black or red. Auras are usually considered bad because you may lose two cards if they remove your enchanted creature. Maybe you could use more Honor The Pure, Path to Exile or Oblivion Ring. You have also good cards without much sinergy with your knights like Norn's Annex (more usefull for a control deck) that can be cut if needed.
I'll try this version with your suggestion in mind. I really thought I already used rugged prairie, but I put there arid mesa instead!
Maybe you could add the bad Sygg (don't remember the name, the blue black one) to quick your draw. It must be easy to do more than 3 damage every turn. Could I ask for your deck building first impression? I'd really like to know what you think about my last deck, a Pyrohemia one.
Besides, Doubling Season double even the time counters...
Maybe I could add some good old Counterspell, Mana Leak and Deprive but this deck is supposed to be creatures based. -4 Summoner's Bane, +4 Counterspell should make it faster, and maybe I'll remove 1 each of the creatures except for Chronozoa to fit in 4 Mana Leak. In the long games Reality Strobe with Paradox Haze is usually enough, so I need some fast counter for the first few turns.
Thank you. But I think it still need some tuning... I don't know, but I feel it rather fragile. It may be just me though.
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