Ah. That makes sense. So, now, I need to think about a Simic colored deck, an Izzet one, a Golgari one, and a Boros. Thats gonna be fun.
I know that they are awesome, but maybe you should replace your to phyrexian spells with something from standard?
Oh, Why no lobotomy? Remove some threats before they hit the board?
Yeah, but at least its an online school, so I can pretty much do what I want, and finish school early. TOday, my entire school day took me about an hour. ^_^
THis is just an evil mill. Lol. Nice job! I'll get to work on my 4 in 2 hours and 20 minutes, as thats when my schoolday is over.
Lol. I'd love to be on the blog, but my dad doesn't let me have email, so I can't even sign up. T.T
Lol. Yeah. So, comment on one of my decks when you finish the the other challenges and post what is done on your blog?
Lol. Alright. I'll do mine later. Technically, I'm supposed to be doing school right now, but I finshed already. My dad might not be so happy about me screwing around, even if I'm finished. :P
Hey Demonking, why don't you do another 3 of the challenge decks, doing the allied pairs, and I can do the other 4 enemy pairs, and then you can post the whole deck challenge on your blog?
I'd replace the sanctuary with more dual lands, as you have no angels in this deck.
You going to make another challenge deck? YOu seem to be really good at it.
Well, since you are running tokens, Gather the townsfolk and Increasing Devotion?
It looks like you need some sort of early drop. Maybe Vexing Devil or Cathedral Sanctifier?
That is true. I was lucky enough to pull 2 of him in a single draft. ^_^ I ended up running Boros/Gruul. I got 13th out of 26. Not bad, but not excellent either. I did 1 avacyn restored draft where I ran G/R humans, and I went 4-0 XD
Thats true, but Ghor Clan can't be countered if you decide to bloodrush it.
Akh. This thing smashes face. O.o I'd replace Colossal might wiht Ghor-Clan Rampager though, but thats just me.
Lol. Yeah, it is a bit on the expensive side, but I have total dominance of the game if I play this deck! XD
Lol. good point. I'd unmake the dragon thou. ;) Check out the Deck that Transcends Wallets. ^_^
Yeah. But can you get a 4/4 Lifelinker with flying by turn 3? XD
Very nice. Thank you for taking up the challenge. This is really Good. I'd love to see which would win, between our decks.
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