Crap.... Kinda forgot that little tidbit. >.< My bad. Ignore this idiot. Lol
Ethereal Armor, Hopeful Eidolon, Oblivion ring, Sphere of Safety. If you are running enchantments, consider those cards.
Isochron Scepter anybody? Lol.
Consider the Devotion to green mana dork. It would be a great source on top of Nykthos so you can super charge your Polukranos
Consider Mizzium Mortars. One sided anger of the gods. Good early removal, or devastating one-sided late game sweep.
Have you considered Arrest? Decent creature stalling and add another enchantment.
I'm well aware of the sideboard. I don't build them for these concept decks that I make most days.
I can use lili's -3 for indestructable, and thrill kill deals with hex. Debating whether or not I should add mutilate, because good field wipe for this deck, but bad at the same time, as it relies on my creatures.
Uvenwald tracker is good for adding removal to your deck, though it is not a werewolf. You could look into bloodrush cards because they can give your a combat boost that doesnt add to the spell count against your wolves.
With the token theme going on here, i would recommend Krenko's Command over Captains call, and think about Phantom General
Oops. Got it confused with the auramancer. Regardless, I haven't had any issues
I wanted this creatureless, and i havent had issues drawing what I need
I have both because I want the double drawing. and I want to have more than 2 or 3 creatures chiphered
Please make sure to read above. It has some very important information on this particular build. Part of why I built this was to have a low costing, agressive and controlling deck. So far, it fills what I want it to do with amazing efficiency. Please give only 3 or less CMC suggestions, and keep it in the junk colors please. I don't want to switch Black to Blue.
You say it like a polite person in today's world is impossible. Lol.
Ah. I'll consider it then. Thanks for clarifying. Your suggestion didn't really make sense with the theme of the deck. Lol
THanks for the suggestions. I didn't want to run mizziums for 2 reasons. 1, it means splashing another color for 1 card, so that doesn't seem like a good idea. And 2, I want to keep this deck under about 100 bucks, so I can't add another color to the mana base safely. Its just not worth it for mizzium. Thanks though for replying.
I know that it doesn't have flying, but Experiment One is a good ground beater that you could use in this deck. You'd be able to trigger its regen quite regularly if you needed too.
Well, I decided that I Should finally make a mill deck. After about 30 minutes on Gatherer, these are the cards for a standard mill, minus utility spells, that I would use to make the deck. I haven't decided whether I want to do a more controlling mill, or an agressive one. Lets see what you people have to say on the subject! Post your ideas below, and keep it with in standard U/B Please! (No snappy either. I like him and all, but I don't have 120 dollars for a playset.)
Actually Demonking, Your wrong. This is straight from the Magic Site.There’s usually a time limit for building your deck. A Limited deck has to have at least forty cards. You can play as many copies of any card as you have. In Limited play, all the cards that aren’t in your deck are in your sideboard. You can change your deck after the first game of a match, but it returns to the way you submitted it at the beginning of each match.You can check it out if you don't believe me.
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