Dynathy, Nice idea. Have you actually won any games with this, considering its slow buildup?
With as much flash back as you have, try Runic repetition.
For this deck, just from looking at it with out playing it, it looks like its light on removal. I don't know what I'd suggest. I do see that you have tragic slip sideboarded, which is perfect for this deck. I am wondering though why you don't have Geralf's Messenger in here?
Maybe Geralf's messenger, so you have another zombie in your main deck?
I think she is so awesome, my name on steam is "=PB= Glourious Pinkie Pie" ! XD
Ok. You have 2 too many chromatic lanterns, and where are the earth ponies! And the Griffens! XD
Lol. Well, Good build! See if you like the bottom 3 on my list, as those are my real decks.
So, Me? XD
Looks like a fun Eldrazi Deck. Maybe you can take a look at my take of eldrazi ramp, but with Myrs and artifacts instead.Myrdazi FTW!EDIT: Ah. I just saw you comment on mine. So, which do you think would win in a duel? XD
Yeah... Stick Geth, Bolt, Fog, and Silence on your sticks. O.o Maybe add 2 panoptic mirrors and 4 turn spells?
OH god. What have been the results for you playing this deck?
Maybe 2 Index to set up what you draw, or some Augers of Bolas?
Added Vesuva's Instead of Glimmerpost.
Oh, Its actually 1 mana. Even freaken better!
Alright then. There's 3 amulets. how's it look now?
Oh please tell me Illusionist's bracers doesn't work with krenko. O.o
There is a phyrexian card, from the Urza set I believe, that is a 12/12 trample for 2. Think about it, as It has an enter the battle field effect of sacrificing a total power of 12, so this could cheat it out big time.
Scary. Hm. Have you thought about maybe death rite shaman and trackers instincts?
Alright. There wasn't a reason not to have him in there. Well, he's there now!
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