Deck has been updated leme know what ya think!
Also I have the psychic intrusions in here because they are beautiful against slow or even mid range decks. Takes a card from hand or grave and lets me use it. One more win condition.
I am going to make some changes to make some changes tonight and you guys let me know what you think.
Hey for your deckathon make a few singleton decks for single format. Rules are simple, deck can only have 1 copy of the same card in it aside from basic lands.
Nice deck, You should throw in suture priest and Blind Obediance
Hehe sure. I bet there are some cool deck ideas that can be made! Lets see if others are interested =D
I just play it with my friends. Keeps the ridiculousness of having amazing decks that win in a few turns. While also not being commander and having games go really long. Just another format to slow the game down a little bit more.
Yea Elspeth and legion can be sideboard cards for control to allow me to have lategame for their shenanigans.
This deck does surprisingly well against aggro decks. (all of that removal and potential blockers) But if there is removal and they are able to take out your 2 and 3 drop then you are stuck in an uncomfortable position. It is not the most versatile of decks but its weakness is surely control decks. Purphoros is key when dealing with them.
So tested the launch the fleet. It works very well, but you only need to see it once hopefully by then you will have the board presence to end the game.
Man that sounds great! Thanks ill start testing deck more and see how it runs =D.
Deck has been updated and it still needs sideboard but i guess that depends on meta at your shop
Hehe was hopeing to have a graveyard deck for next expansion. will make a new version once the new block comes out =-D.
o sorry this is standard
If you wana use sphere of safety then this is the old deck idea i had with it.
Pillow wall deck
hmm i will have to test it to see if i have enough 2 and 3 drops to survive til i hit my 5th land drop
I play mostly standard and will not be of much help on non standard stuff.
I decided since im playing alot of lands that come into play tapped that I would not be able to have a turn one drop consistently. I just went ahead and skipped it to have a better turn 2.
I would but I need a good First striker for early game defense and currently i have no burn for chandra's phoenix to return to my and.
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