This deck revolves around kessigcage breakers and attended knight in a way. Goldknight commander, kruin striker, hellrider, and sunhome guildmage synergize well with kessig cagebreakers. Voice of Resurgance also is a good creature against control which can allow me to throw out more creatures. Frontline allows me to attack into superior creatures and collective makes all my crappy creatures woth something.
I've been wanting to making something fun like this in awhile so ill let you know how it does. Any changes i make ill be sure to let you know if your interested.
Ohhh young wolf might be a good addition to this. Ima start testing it this coming weekend so ill be making changes then.
=D I got the cards just testing to see if it works o.O
Hmmm. Reverberate wont work too well considering double red along with fling cost might be hard to do with the lands i have. Also I use my creatures mostly to trade or get damage through the ole fashion way by attacking and sacrificing too many of them could backfire if it doesn't kill the enemy. Fling is used mainly to last hit someone when they have 8 or lower health. Chandra does not impact the board that much and would add too many 4 drops to the deck. As for exquisite blood, I already have a decent amount of lifegain and would perfer to drop a thragtusk or wolfir silverheart than exquisite blood so i have a creature to fling.
Go for black red discard. Its much better.
I would say take out a land and throw in a hellrider
I see your dwarfs and raise you an orc and goblin army!
Edit put in rogues passage
I dont see this working
yes they are
very coolEdit: throw in champion of parish
I have yet to play test this, but it seems like it should be able to do some damage lol. Send me a like if you do!
I do not have enough zombies to justify the gravecrawlers but I do like the chance that I can get a zombie out like gerralf's messengers so i can spam and sacrifice gravecrawlers with bloodthrone. I might add in tragic slip mainboard in place of them so i can get some more removal.
I am testing this deck out right now and have looked at cartel aristocrat. Once I see which one works best I will switch it out.
this is standard
The problem with adding in green is this deck is already red and white. since going into a 3rd color requires having dual lands, it cuts away from the budget aspect.
Left ya my suggestion
i threw in a lot of damage spells to remove that hoe lol
Thanks for the comment!
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