Rhys the redeemed is nice for doubling token creatures.
"Punch in the Face" Hahaha I like that 'card'
Ivory Crane Netsuke (from Kamigawa) is nice for life gain if your hand remains 7+ cards. Reminise is another 'graveyard to deck' card.
Seeing that you're making your opponent's creatures big, try using Boros Fury-Shield.
Brilliant. I mite use that combo sometime in the future.
Dosn't the extra turn combo make it that your opponents never get another turn?
Two things, 1- try trimming the deck down to closer to 60 cards (it'll make drawing the needed cards easier) and 2- I've noticed that alot of people use elvish piper, but i've never seen it stay on the field long enough to be of any use. i like the idea of having both coat of arms and door of destinies
Body double... hmmm... i mite just try that.
It's also food for the Polymorph
Block with Ætherplasm, retun it to your hand and put a Kraken out. (Ætherplasm's ability).
The idea is to keep alot of cards in hand, so I don't mind keeping the legendaries in hand. Tolaria West is to fetch spellbook.
for something like wild research you could ude tutors. If you're using Wild Research for enchantment search, you could also imprint an Enlightened Tutor on Isochron Scepter.
As the shrines' effects take place in your upkeep, try Paradox Haze
Another nice red permanent for Kederekt Parasite is Spiteful Visions.
I like your use of Doubling Season & Paradox Haze
I like. I'd try replacing Lys Alana Huntmaster with something else. Maybe an Elvish Champoin
Sculpting steel also copies artifacts
Whether it's a good version or a bad version of a relentless sat deck doesn't matter. Instead of giving -1, give advice to make it better. That way the people can make thier deck better.
I.ll think about the howling & myhtos when i can afford to buy more cards
I can't afford to buy Underworld Dreams at the moment, so I'll play with some green for the +1/+1 counters.
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