All I can say is "WOW!". I haven't heard me the beacons before.
Thanks. I'll try them and see how it goes. Still need a replacement for pyrohemia though.
Very nice. +1 Just wish I had the cards to make this deck
Due to a momentry laps of memory, i forgot the name of a very good band (maybe due to all the madness), thanks for the reminder RoughneckBarberian. I too give +1 for the name
Did you know "Can I Play With Madness" is a name of a song? I forget who it's by. Nice deck by the way
The name of the card is Traumatize
I agree, put Nissa Revane in. Also check out my Elf Warriors deck. Try keep the casting cost of your cards as low as possible (I'd say max 3), it'll speed things up. Also take the Talara's Battalions out, they are cool, but you'll find yourself not playing them because they'll be the only spell in your hand.
Virulent Sliver
Cool idea, but getting 3 faceless devourers in hand is tricky, even with tutors.
Thanks, it is all clear now
Try Traumatize
OK. I understand that, but you need to wait for the spike to resolve to get the 3 mana and the way I see it, spike resolving means it goes to the graveyard, meaning no spike to copy.
I've been wanting to say this for a while. The Niv-Mizzet + Curiosity combo isn't exactly "infinite", it's limited by the number me cards in your library. Don't get me wrong, it's a painful combo to play against. Interesting deck though
Thanks. If you can't think on how to improve it, maybe you can think of a better name for the deck.
Nice. take a look at my "Storming Dragons" deck, it can also win on turn 2. Hell, with the perfect hand, it can win on turn 1.
Have you thought about giving barbed shocker a power of fire?
Thanks, i'll try some of them, but i won't use piper. piper pulls too much attention in multiplayer and dies too quickly (destroy, burn, counter, est.)
Also if you can get 9 mana quikly, try Myojin of Life's Web
Nice idea using Piper to bring out the dragons. The only problem I see is the Piper itself, Piper tends to die before it can do what it needs to do (destroyed, burned, countered, est). How fast do you get mana out & how many spells can you play in one turn with 9 mana left? I'm thinking Dragonstorm
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