
292 Decks, 634 Comments, 108 Reputation

Put up chains of mephistophilies see how that works out

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:23 as a comment on surewhynot's 100th deck WOOOOO!


Sry i havent been on in forever congrats on your 100th deck

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:22 as a comment on surewhynot's 100th deck WOOOOO!


Wow how many decks do you plan on having in the top rated SERIOUSLY wtf sry about that nice deck i applaud you seems like it works nicely

Posted 04 January 2011 at 18:48 as a comment on Nex est via et Reverentia


a good fast deck the only high costing card is argentum armor i don't know wat advice to give you XD. check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 29 December 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on Steel Quest


Hey so you commented on my deck about how you were gonna try it out. well howd it go? just curious now on to your deck I like it its very flavorful and it seems kinda slow but if not oh well but i think its really cool i want to play it XD but oh well good deck. So +1/+1

Posted 26 December 2010 at 18:33 as a comment on All About the Sword


pretty good i would add a wall of tanglecord or 2 but other then that its solid good deck +1 check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 26 December 2010 at 12:28 as a comment on Artifact Infect


have you ever thought of adding tokens and add enchantments that activate when the creature hits the graveyard like casting of bones and also what about creatures that cost a bunch but you can sac things and put it into play ect. anyways good idea but it needs a little work but its pretty good. but nyways check out my flaming demise deck i rated this up

Posted 26 December 2010 at 12:25 as a comment on Aggro Sacrifice


pretty good deck just add some blockers cuz if they got fast fliers ur screwd until you get in ob. USE WALL OF TANGLE CORD. just sayin and add some grafted exoskeletons. check out my flaming demise deck.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 12:21 as a comment on Nixfall


its actually pretty good for a ally deck (not saying its a bad deck its just i don't like alllies) and it seems pretty destructive but you should add at least 1 szadek, Lord of Secrets and then if you do that and get him out he'll mill your opponent to death in 4 turns flat. but it costs 7 tho thats the only backfall but other then that the deck is pretty solid. check out my flamign demise deck.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 12:11 as a comment on BU Mill Allies


Thanks i apreciate it merry christmas to you too ^_^ and also thanks everybody for supporting my deck.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 21:57 in reply to #109045 on Flaming Demise!


well with the spite mare it is not infinant damage to the opponent because its infinant damgage to yourself. the galvanizer and the iron myr plus fire ball is one of the only working combos tho apart from splinter twin combo and battlesphered just thought i would mention it anyway other then that good 100th deck. check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 24 December 2010 at 12:07 as a comment on 100th Deck


the deck is G/R and is either legacy or vintage.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 10:06 in reply to #108839 on Can YOU beat this?


first of all i know you don't own this deck because NO ONE has 3 black lotus' i know 1 person who has a set of the power nine (not a playset but a 1 of) anyway and also i don't understand y im the first person to comment but anyway this is a very good deck. the only reccomendation is i would cut down all the cards you don't need for the first turn win and and some things in its place. anyway yeah other then that i know one deck that can beat this but it isn't posted its a deck that the guy i know has he has a deck that pretty much no matter what will win on turn 2 if not 1 because it is that stupid. anyway sry about that.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 10:05 as a comment on Can YOU beat this?


Wow this is a pretty good deck, good job making all the cards be either chick related or be a chick, well done and it seems pretty solid, also check out my flaming demise deck,

Posted 24 December 2010 at 09:55 as a comment on Chick Magnet


umm if your gonna use eldrazi spawn mainly for this i would use furnace celebration and also i wouldn't use brood birthing if it only works if you have an eldrazi spawn in play already.other then that looks pretty solid. check out my flaming demise deck.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 09:51 as a comment on Invoked Pain


Umm sorin wouldn't fit in this kind of deck you see sorin is a bit too slow and it would just slow this deck down i mean the only advanatage it would give to this deck is the life gain but other then that i don't see a sorin fitting in here, its a good deck as it is but it could be speeded up quite a bit, since its not type 2 anymore i would reccomend core tappers to drop in here for things that need charge counters and also you could also drop in a splash of green for critter in eventide that lets you sac it to double the amount of counters on anything (ugh) and also add a doubling season and then add some mana ramp as well. for it i would drop 10 swamps and then add 5 forest's then add some of either the pain lands or dual lands whatever your choice, and then drop a fume spitter and a skin render as well as the skitheryx - its a great card but you don't need it, in its place put in some birds of paradise and some cultivates and or some other sort of mana ramp you would prefer, and then after that you can go ahead and drop in 2 doubling seasons and put in 3 of the gilder bairn's in there, not only will they speed the deck up a little but they will also speed the amount of poison counters in here, if you want take out the silver myrs and then drop in some creatures with infect that are either green or black in their place that way you can get the poinson on there, heck u don't even need to use a creature you can use the poison land enchantment, and so on this is just a suggestion
either way its a good deck this suggestion is just to speed up the deck significantly.

Posted 21 December 2010 at 22:48 as a comment on PROLIFERATE YOUR FATE (black control)


I think its a good deck i played this exact deck oddly enough and i beat it but it beat me once but it gave me a run for my money, anyway this is a powerful deck, tho alot of people use it wich is somthing that keeps decks off the top list you see a deck with originallity and power usually end up on the top list so yeah also check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 19 December 2010 at 13:47 as a comment on Blessed Emeria


but still needs a little work

Posted 19 December 2010 at 13:37 as a comment on Boros Landfall


this is a good deck tho i would reccomend a couple cards and question a few too but first i am wondering why you have ruin ghost in here when theres nothing that has an ability that activates when it hits play again. so i would reccomend a kemba's Skyguard that way you have somthing you can use the ruin ghost on and yeah thats a good deck and also check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 19 December 2010 at 13:36 as a comment on Boros Landfall


I would add a tainted strike and add a wall of tanglecord or 2 its a freakin 0/6 with the possibility of reach if you pay a green. also add a tel jilad's fallen and or some cyst bearers and you will be good i say tainted strike because of the livewire lash and if its on a creature with infect thats an auto 2 poison. check out my flaming demise deck

Posted 19 December 2010 at 13:24 as a comment on Another Infect


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