Awesome deck, simply awesome! The only question I have is why you use Unravel the Æther instead of just Naturalize?
Nice deck! The only thing I would do is to either add some lifegain or remove Pain Seer. But that's just because I hate it :), it can drain more life for one card then it may be worth.
I don't know if you've noticed but you're missing 6 cards, probobly your mountains.
Sweet deck! It's the first deck I've seen that puts good use of The Chain Veil. :)
Nice deck! The only suggestion I would make is to throw in a couple of Vault of the Archangel just in case you ever need any lifegain or deathtuch, otherwise great work! :)
"Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pidgeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it's victorious."
Yea I thought of that too, so maybe in the end without him even realise he actually helped me by being a persistent one. :)
Ah you're right but he can at least stay away from this deck since he have already dissaprooved it. :P
That can be pretty devastating, sweet deck. XD
Thanx Spiff, got pretty tired of this guy and his hashtags all over the place. So hopefully he now remains silent. :)
So what you're saying is that the amount of creatures I have slows me down. And also you're telling me to learn the basic rulebook, I'm pretty F*cking sure that there's no rule that forbids me to have this many creatures cuz it "might" slow me down. So I do wonder who the idiot here is.
That makes no goddamn sense.
Okey... not sure what you mean with that.
Thanx! I saw that Wild/Overgrowth + Arbor/Satyr was brutal but peronally i hate Vintage/Legacy so I'm gonna keep this modern. :)
No problemo :)
I'm looking forward to it so I can improve my dragon deck, cuz I luv dragons. XD
Yeah cuz you do have alot of discard spells, and with Liliana you can at least do it once every turn.
I would recommend you using Master of the Feast instead of Hypnotic Specter cuz you need your opponent to draw more cards in order discard them. Otherwise you'll end up with your opponent only have the card he/she drew that turn, and they're probobly gonna use it on his/her turn, wich leaves you to nopt being able to discard their cards since you discarding spells/ abilities can only be used on your turn. I'm actually working on a similiar deck but with cards like Underworld Dreams so the opponent also loses life when he/she draws cards.
With Sarkhan in it, there will at least probobly be alot of dragons. :)
Nice deck!
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