Thanks! The best answer to your question I know is Pithing Needle. And about your suggestion; I added some Silhana Ledgewalker, they're almost like Invisible Stalker except flying creatures can block it.
Thanx, glad you like it! I took a look at your deck and I gotta say it was pretty neat, I love mono green ramp! XD
Sweet deck! But can I suggest Sheltering Word, just in case your opponent doesn't like your big fat trample. ;)
Thanks! Sadly I know nothing about EDH so I can't help you there, sorry. But I took your advice in adding a few more Fauna Shamans and took down fatties like Corpsejack and Savegery as ImFromNASA suggested. I also added Silhana Ledgewalker to push through damage.
Ooh, then it should absolutley stay away from this deck. XD
Absolutley. Golgari itself has like an aura, that makes it feel special. It's without a doubt my favorite guild.
Awesome deck! Scavenge is pretty much the only usefulness you can get out of Death's Shadow.
Aah, okay. I usally build the deck here first, then when I have the money I buy the cards I don't have.
Nice deck! It's pretty odd though that you're combining scavenge with cards that take advantage of the number of creatures in your graveyard. I actually have 2 similiar decks, wich is like this deck split in two, one based of the number of creatures in your graveyard and one scavenge.:) And you're also missing one card. The deck is at 59.
Yep, modern is the only thing I play. And the occasional standard.
Glad you like it! :)But about your suggestions; I don't think Creakwood would fit since I first of all don't have that many multicolored permanents and second of all focus more on scavenge as my boosting. Garruk is a bit too expensive since this is more of an aggro deck. Deathrite just doesn't fit the synergy. Grisly, however I might consider using, but the worst thing about it that it might put my nonpermanents into the graveyard. But thanx for the advice. :)
Yea they would be awesome in this deck. But the sad thing is that they're not legal in modern. -.-
Then build one. That's the sweet thing about Mtgvault, you can build a deck and see if it works out before you buy the cards. :)
You're right, didn't think of that. Then I don't see a reason why I shouldn't add them both. Once again, thanx for the advice. :)
Thanx for the advice.I took your suggestion about the lands, but I kept the Glacial Fortresses since it most likely is gonna end up entering untapped. And I also put in 4 Doomed Travelers for some onedrop.However I don't feel like Saint Traft is gonna fit in this deck. Cuz he himself doesn't have flying and thus can easily be blocked and killed, and then no more angels. Drover's insurence also doesn't cover him.
It's pretty annoying that some of the biggest creatures get shuffled into the library once entered the graveyard like Worldspine Wurm or Emrakul. But perhaps Iona, Shield of Emeria could fit in this deck.
Sweet deck! That's a really cool concept.
Of course you can build a similiar deck. Let me know when it's done and I will go and check it out. Other then that, good luck with both decks. :)
First of all you should have a solid 4 onedrops so max out Eidolon, but if you want this deck to be real fast you should add some ramp creatures like Elvish Mystic or Sylvan Caryatid. And since this is a lifegain deck, focus more on your life. So remove cards lika Kavu Predator, There's also no use in having Humbler of Mortals if you have Nylea.And about your noncreature removals I would recommend you to remove Ray of Revelation, Desecration Plague, Consign to Dust and Regrowth(it's up to you but I figured since you only have one V/L card you might as well remove it so the deck is legal in modern), and then instead add an additional Deicide and 2 Solemn Offering.Since you have tagged the deck as "wurm", then why not add some more like Engulfing Slagwurm and Pelakka Wurm. They are a bit expensive so perhaps Somberwald sage would fit nicely in this deck. And to protect them, Sheltering Word is perfect.Other things you should add more of is Unflinching Courage and Sunbond. Otherwise it's a pretty solid deck. :)
Ooh, didn't think about that.
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