a better lock combination would be Possibility storm and Curse of Exhaustion, as they truly cannot cast anything anymore, whereas with silence or whatever if you come up against a blue deck with counters the combo might not work.
I would cut the fall of the gavel for warlord's helix if you are going to be splashing white for anything, imo.
nivis guildmage might be good in place of the izzet guildmage, also offers some card draw/discard
Agree for sure, from my own experience with play testing a deck like this plasm capture is great against control/midrange
i meant plasm captures of your own
you have a lot of good targets for plasm capture
abrupt also has the staple cannot be countered so who knows, its a very safe to play a split
i would say putrefy sometimes has better targets, like creatures with regen, a 2/2 split seems perfect
no think twice or azorius charm? draw cards on their turn as well!
no reckoner?
well that and the artifcat lands are A LOT cheaper than the mox's :P, would just help you always having metalcraft available.
I think youll find dimir charm can be very underwhelming. Personally I would cut them for Devour flesh main board and maybe an ultimate price. As far as digging goes, I would HEAVILY suggest Augur of bolas, the card is just too good for what it does, finds you answers and provides a nice blocker for the early game.
I would personally cut the firefist stirkers to up your count of Silverblade Paladins to 4, and make room for maybe a Thalia to compensate your 2 drop human, with the added bonus of being proactive against noncreature based decks.
I would replace colossal might in the side board with Ghor clan rampager, you get a bigger boost and in a pinch it's a creature
I would also suggest cutting thalia for say another reckoner or bumping up any of your 3 of's to 4 of's.
have you thought about adding silverblade paladin?
have you thought about adding the artifact lands in just because?
have you thought about adding curse of stalked prey in as well, its a nice 2 drop and can also buff your stalker via ethereal armor and just straight combat damage dealt to player.
I guess what I was trying to say is, you don't always seem to want to turn 5 him, and with that being said, 3 Thundermaw's in the main board might be too many. Also missing that I might suggest as great value cards would be Augur of Bolas(card advantage and digging for answers)and Snapcaster mage(combos well with Izzet charm, thought scour on yourself and even just reusing old spells). I would even go as far as to ask why Izzet charm is not included in the list, the options available to you on that card give you fantastic flexibility.
I just don't think its necessary, are you realistically going to tap out turn 5 for thundermaw? He is awesome, don't get me wrong but thematically he just doesn't really seem to fit.
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