Sorry I didn't even read the deck list just gave you a positive for the name and idea..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA used to go to tournaments and play against a guy with flash hulk. It was rather funny to hold two force of wills and see the look on his face when he found out his combo couldn't go off, oh and that he lost the game.
Over all I like the deck but have you considered adding magma jet, brow beat, or Grim lavamancer? A drop in the land base I think would be a good idea as well seeing as everything in the deck costs three or under. Also I would really like to see Slith Fire Walker make an appearance in this deck. if you have any questions as to why I prefer these methods or cards I would be happy to explain. However if you have fun playing the deck the way it is then don't let me stop you.
definently keldon marauder. I would also consider taking out the one chandra and cards that cost over four mana. This is mainly because of the overall speed that a mono red deck needs to maintain. Ball Lightning, Magma jet (the best burn spell to date), Brow beat, and grim lava mancer are all good choices. Trust me though if you take any of my advice you'll have a speedy burn your face off kind of deck.
I Think you would appreciate my Charbelcher deck. Not for what it is but for the name and descrption
beacon of destruction WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beacon of immortality WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
leveler+Stifle=better idea than the entire deck. Oh wait I completely forgot about probably the best first or second turn creature in existance. Introducing Phyrexian Dreadnaught stifled of course.
why do life gain when there are a billion different ways to effeciently kill someone.
it's only 57 cards
Cabal Coffers?
I'm not even going to comment on that
Riley, I am aware of Worldgorger Dragons superiority. However I don't think that you understand the satisfaction that goes along with sending someone to the next world with goblin charbelche.
I believe that you should try adding Grim Lavamancer to the deck. As well you should consider fetch lands and dual lands ( I don't know if you care to buy them). Sarcomancy and Phyrexian Negator have great synergy with Lavamancer but that can get rather costly. I do however agree with Riley that you should go one way or the other. If You're thinking of Suicide you can take a look at my mono black suicide to help you out. I don't know if you like to play competative or casual but you'll have fun either way.
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