Treefolk man they are a handful. I do think that you should try to go straight beats instead of life-gain kills opponent. If at all possible I would really like to see the deck cut down to 60 that should increase its speed enough to give you strides over the competition. all in all a solid idea
thank you it is still in an early stage and will need a bit of work though...
However it's not very stable and has room for fatal errors, like krosan grip, a basic counterspell, or they could even just kill the leveler and the game is over.
We're doing it we are getting close
The point is that 4 demonic tutor and anything that has been restricted is far too overpowered for any format. Yes the deck has speed granted that the person sitting across from you isn't doing the exact same thing. So it's alright for me to play 4 black lotus and 4 of every mox so that I accelerate first turn and win.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must have the most negative feedback on this deck in existance.
I suppose you guys can rip mine to pieces if you like (that was my intention) so have at it.
well holy crap I didn't think there would be like 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Battle of wits decks
Yes I gave my own deck negative feed-back...
Ahhhhh It only sucks that chaos orb is illegal pretty much in every format...(sigh)...
agreed, I also think that Hypnotic specter is a much better choice than abyssal.
The deck is very neat except that it's illegal... Ah but if it's just for fun who cares right
funny, real cute actually.
To be clear I was being a bit of a prick to begin with and I apologize (really I was only messing with you), but I am just trying to help you out. Honestly I would prefer it if one day a kid took my advice and beat the snot out of me with everything that I told them, than for me to win some stupid tournament. All I want to see is the newer players get better and eventually, those veteran players will have a run for their money against a kid who came in with an all color wurm deck his first day of magic.
I also feel that you should turn the deck into affinity which (unfortunantly) is notorious for being cheap and effecient. With affinity you move so fast the game is ussually over before you can say pass (not literally of course). But if you insist on playing this deck then I suggest using tinker and 0 drop artifact accelerators to drop myr incubator quickly and remove all of the artifacts you have from your deck and drive over that unfortunant Sod on the opposite end of the table.
Another flaw that I found with this deck was the use of Hypochondria. What is it for? You have beacon of immortality!!! Theat prevent three damage can't be for you, because you're going to constantly gain twenty life!!!I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that Hypochondria is to protect your myr. I don't think that should be the goal of Hypochondria at all. Really all your myr are there for is to accelerat into the gilded lotus. Once that guilded lotus is in play... well all hell is set to break loose. However after the lotus is in play your myr might as well be chump blockers because there is no real use for them anymore.
I really do not see the point in The way this deck wins when It can be done more effectivly. If I understand what you are trying to do (use the beacons to keep at least one card in your deck). Then you have probably realised the numerous flaws to your plan. namely the fact that you could lose a mana source to play the beacons or they could be counter spelled. This would effectively end the game for you.
No I found it funny Hence my previous comment it's just hard to convey a sense of humor through these damned computer screens
Zendikar is a great set in that it is unique. A set such as zendikar hasn't really been seen in a while. The cards that have been added are rather impressive and the new fetch lands catch my eye. That and zendikar is a golden opportunity to get some great kiddy cards.
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