
0 Decks, 93 Comments, 17 Reputation

I'd like to help you but I got absolutely no idea which way you want to go with this deck?
Wide Elfs, tall Elfs, singleton, EDH, vintage, modern?

Posted 09 December 2017 at 15:20 as a comment on Elf Tribal (any suggestions?)


The problem I see with this deck is that it has no win condition.
Lifegain does not win you the game, and your only strong cards are Ajani's Pridemate and Angelic Accord.
If you drop the 2 Healer of the Pride. 4 Soulmender, 4 Divine Favor, 4 Goldenglow Moth and add 1 Soul Warden, 3 souls Attendant, 3 Felidar Sovereign, 3 Aetherflux Reservoir and 2 extra land your deck will get some extra win conditions.

Posted 06 August 2017 at 22:56 as a comment on Very Very Budget Lifegain


I would replace negate with Mana Leak, remove the Student of Warfare and add another Transcendent Master.
I'd also remove at least 2 Decommissions for another Transcendent Master and Contagion Clasp/Enclave Cryptologist.

Posted 05 March 2017 at 11:45 as a comment on Level Up!


It will get better with the next set (I hope).
Then again they don't have much choice, if the next set does not increase the vehicle support then it would've been a temporary hype.

Posted 11 October 2016 at 10:35 in reply to #591165 on JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL!!!


Simple, not really unique...

But dang does it look solid, that's how I like my decks.
It's even cheap AND standard? Yes!

Posted 10 October 2016 at 18:18 as a comment on JESUS, TAKE THE WHEEL!!!


You forgot to add a Command Tower. Oh and a Manalith would be useful too.
Maybe also a Dark Ritual and/or a Crypt Ghast for mana? Sure it's only black mana but you need lots in general.

Posted 10 May 2016 at 19:56 as a comment on Budget EDH: Grim Dragons


Sure Zurgo is cheap, but wouldn't ping commanders or a 3/1 haste summoner be more in synch with both the theme and the playstyle of this deck?

Posted 13 March 2016 at 22:05 in reply to #577621 on Budget EDH: Me Go Face?


Why Zurgo Bellstriker as the commander?
Purphoros, God of the Forge, Rakka Mar or even Kamahl, Pit Fighter are way better for a mono-red burn EDH as commanders.
Since you got lots of warriors and elementals, Brighthearth Banneret might be a nice addition too.
Magma Jet and skullcrack aren't bad either.

Posted 12 March 2016 at 22:47 as a comment on Budget EDH: Me Go Face?


Wow, after playtesting my own B/W warrior deck for days, I finally put it public and BAM you come with a nice one too!

Here's my deck, feel free to take inspiration and give some advice (especially the latter would be much appreciated!).


Posted 26 March 2015 at 21:31 as a comment on Budget Decks: Fight Once More


Hmm, this is the first deck of you that I'm not really sure about.
You got many low power creatures that need buffing, so you'll have to spend the auras on them instead of Brood Keeper.
Well luckily you can return many of those back to your hand.
I'd say that this is a fast deck with all those low power Boros creatures and enchantments but for the Brood Keeper to work you'd have to wait at least 5 turns (4 for the mana for Brood Keeper, 1 to enchant her).

I would put some stronger guys in it for early game, but I'm not familiar with Boros.

Posted 21 February 2015 at 12:19 as a comment on Budget Decks: Dragon Babies!


Whoops sorry, I meant cards. not lands.
Just search for 'populate' in the card search.

Posted 15 December 2014 at 19:37 in reply to #522421 on Insect spamming


Oh yeah you got those too.
Don't forget Akoum Refuge and Temple of Malice.

Posted 14 December 2014 at 02:17 in reply to #522420 on WHY WONT THEY STAY DEAD!!!


There are some nice green populate lands that work with your tokens.
I also think that your mana curve is a bit too blunt.

Posted 13 December 2014 at 12:25 as a comment on Insect spamming


Awesome deck, but I'd add some dual lands.
Cards like Dragonskull Summit or even Guildgates are always handy.

Posted 13 December 2014 at 12:16 as a comment on WHY WONT THEY STAY DEAD!!!


Right when I am making my first EDH deck you come up with a better one in a colour combination I STILL don't have in one of my decks.
If you don't mind, I'd like you to look at mine: http://www.mtgvault.com/darius/decks/gruul-edh-borborygmos-army-2/

Posted 07 December 2014 at 11:50 as a comment on Budget EDH: Get Rekt Son


I know that feeling, it's great in a green-focused Abzan or Temur deck, and it becomes at least a 2/2 wen it comes into the field.
Yet I didn't know this card since what? This summer?

Posted 07 December 2014 at 11:43 in reply to #521389 on [Budget] Viridian Heroes


Have you considered Skinbrand Goblin?
It's a 2/1 for 2 mana, but has a bloodrush for one.

Posted 24 November 2014 at 10:39 as a comment on Budget Decks: Balls-Deep-Aggro


Damn, I actually meant bloodRUSH, but that Furyborn Hellkite is very good if you got a burn deck.
You don't need to have Borborygmos in your main deck to make it show up in the picture field by the way.
Anyway, I was making my Gruul EDH too. My motivation was more that I had all these reasonably good cards but only one copy of each and I didn't have an EDH deck yet. So here's my version. I got some ideas from yours, hopefully you'll get some from mine! http://www.mtgvault.com/darius/decks/gruul-edh-borborygmos-army-2/

Posted 14 November 2014 at 18:04 in reply to #517084 on BORBORANGRY


Since I'm just recently trying to get into EDH, I can't help you much except for a few points.

First, I don't think that you can have a copy of your general in your deck.
Second, your mana base is out of balance; either throw in some more red creatures/cards or make a land ratio of 5 forest for every 2 mountain.
Third, you have wayyy too much land in your deck. You need a lot more creatures and less land. Between 35-40 land is what you should try to have in an EDH deck. In your case, considering all the mana ramp from green and low cost creatures, I'd consider between 30-35 lands.
Your deck is also very short on creature cards. Put in some bloodthirst cards and some more heavy hitters. You already got more than enough mana ramp, so adding more heavy hitters won't hurt. I'd go for Ruination Wurm, Duskdale Wurm, Shivan Dragon etc.

Posted 13 November 2014 at 17:36 as a comment on BORBORANGRY


4x Dryad Militant isn't a bad idea either.

Posted 09 October 2014 at 16:39 in reply to #509974 on The Undying Abzan


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