It's a nice one mana drop to fix your mana curve.
I would also remove Llanowar Reborn and Gavony Township for 6x Forest, 1x Plains and 1x Swamp.
Ditch Drudge Beetle, Abzan Banner, Primal Cocoon, Necropolis Regent and Phalanx leader.Put in 2x Slitherhead, 2x Dreg Mangler, 2x Ainok Bond-Kin, 3x Abzan Falconer, 1x Ivorytust Fortress, and 4 xHerald of Anafenza.
You got too many cards twice in your deck.This way you won't be drawing what you really need.
Hmm...he is an option, and a 3/3 with flying for only 1 life/turn isn't bad.I'll add it!here's the deck link by the way:
Now that you're blushing, I'm trying to build a black devotion deck.First I had 4x Master of the Feast in it but that card is way too expensive.So now I need a cheap replacement, any ideas?
Let's say that your decks are so effective yet so cheap people get the urge to instantly buy them.
Again a request to make it Modern format.I'd be happy if you could put some Modern alternatives in the sideboard, I'd learn a lot from it.
This guy has a point.
Well, if all these people here like helping out, I'd like some advice with this deck of mine.The only rules are that it needs to be Modern, based on getting life and paying life and only B/W and needs to be budget.Any help is much appreciated (and feel free to check out my other decks too).
The Shadowborn Apostles are not really in place because you have only one demon in your deck.Besides, it would be cheaper to just put in 4 Ob Nixilis than 12 Apostles.
Have you considered Fangren Pathcutter?He gives trample to all attacking creatures when he attacks.
Fair enough.
Geth's Verdict is fine and Grasp of Darkness are fine too.I'm still sad for the wurm, he deserves love too!I mean, a 7/6 with regenerate is pretty awesome in my opinion.
I would add at least 2 Silent Arbiters.The synergy with the rest of the deck is bigger than that of Ethercaste Knight.
Not really, it's just the Spooky Skary Skeletons song I like.So, what about Skeletal Wurm, Door of Destinies, Doom Blade and a replacement for Dark Ritual for the Modern fanboys (like me)?
Have you considered Skeletal Wurm?A 7/6 with regenerate is pretty cool.Also, this song:
I only started playing 2 years ago so my when to block/crack/use abilities still needs some improvement but knowing when to use your fetches is mandatory if you spend big bucks on a deck.
Missing a Slaughter Pact trigger, what a classic.Why would someone who plays under half a year spend $1500+ on a deck for a tournament AND netdeck too?You won't learn shit from this and will never improve.
Well the card prices are an obvious result of supply and demand.I'm not saying that decks worth $100 aren't skillfully build or that $50 cards are overpowered.What I meant to say is that very expensive decks lose their value in terms of skill needed just because you only use the cream of the crop cards.The beauty of MTG lies in the fact that every card, no matter the value, is actually useful in some kind of deck but you will need some deckbuilding experience and skill to make this true.I do understand that to stay competitive you will need to spend money.Also, keep up the good work NorthernWarlord! *brofists back*
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