Making changes:Everflowing Chalice -> Gilded LotusTime Reversal -> ReforgeCapsize -> Cyclonic RiftBolt -> Ral ZarekMissing Card -> DackHinder -> FoW (or maybe misdirection until I can scrounge one up)
Cards that don't work so well:* Hinder (no longer works on general)* Lightning Bolt (disrupting 1drop ramp + weak generals not super effective)* Spelltwine (not very good)* Time Reversal (Wheel + windfall are both amazing for this deck, but 5 cmc prohibitive)* Everflowing chalice (Always cast in for 3, gilded lotus costs 1 less and gives colored mana)* Capsize is alright, but it takes going infinite with a colored source to use. It's kind of expensiveCards that might be nice:* Worn powerstone (additional 3drop ramp could be nice)* Crucible of worlds (Resistance to land hate, fetch land recur. There are a ton of utility lands in here)* Gilded Lotus (Just better than everflowing)* Dack Fayden (looks extremely strong, 3 drop steals ramp and filters cards)* Ral Zarek (removal + ramp)* Reforge the soul (strictly better than time reversal while cheaper than timetwister)* Minamo (same is island but untaps nin)* Cyclonic Rift (everyone but you board wipe looks cool)* Time Warp (Currently don't take extra turns. That plus Splinter Twin/kiki jiki/ graveyard recur mage wincon, also just good)
More Goblin lackey! x4 of that would be really powerful. Also you could run more ringleaders. They are really strong when you're running 39 goblins. I don't really know how chandra fits in here though.
Another thing, 2 extirpates in the main deck seem a bit confusing. I would run those with 4+ discard effects that happen early (thoughtseize, inquisition, duress). If decks, don't try to exploit the graveyard, they may be dead in your hand for a little while. I can see their use in your living end combo, but your creatures have a relatively low curve. You could probably back them up with disruption and achieve a much faster win than with a slow combo that is more vulnerable to graveyard hate. If you were to replace them with thoughtseize, hymn or other disruption, you might be able to connect in for lethal damage much faster.
I like this list, but I am confused about the fatespinner. It appears to be a win-more type of card. 4 Tarmogoyf/2 Spinner would let you more reliably hit the goyf to win and would also allow you to draw more if hit by removal.
The manabase is stable enough for it, it bounces emrakul and it can cause opponents to misboard thinking its death and taxes. I like karakas
Also, you seem to have a funny translation of semper, which I have never seen associated with everything. That word generally seems to mean always. When I think of latin words for everything, quidque immediately pops to mind, but there may be others. It's been a long time since I've used Latin, but I think a more a better translation of your desired deck title would be "Quidque Finietur" though i'm sure there's a more accurate word to describe the exact type of finishing.
I do not really understand why you run dash hopes. You are giving your opponents a choice that counterspell doesn't offer them while retaining the same effect. Giving your opponent an extra choice is not good. For example, if you are playing against combo and try to dash hopes a winning combo piece early in the game, they will pay 5 life. Then they have a combo piece on the field and will most likely win rapidly. If you are worried about the UU mana cost of counterspell, try mana leak. Although it is slightly less effective late game, your deck will most likely have established a strong presence on the board by then or locked them out of the game with silence on a stick.
Try an expedition map maybe. It will let you assemble your urzatron or find more cloudposts.
What is tendrils doing in here?
Another thought: In a countertop-based deck, you might reconsider running mistbind clique. You can expect to counter what they are going to play anyways. Vendilion clique would probably perform better in that deck. You can snag removal that would otherwise get through. It appears that you are trying to allow counterbalance to work on cmc4 spells, but you can still see that consistency if you add fetchlands.
I don't understand how you can reliably set up a countertop lock with this deck. There appears to be no tutor effects, card searching/sifting (brainstorm+fetchland/ponder) and only 2 of each lock piece in the deck. Also, it appears you are using the legacy card pool, and no brainstorm in a countertop deck. Brainstorm can let you search for cards, and also get stuff from your hand to the top of your library in unison with counterbalance. I highly recommend that card in countertop. Also, fetchlands are awesome if you get your hands on some duals. They let you reset the top 3 cards of your library for sensei's divining top.
I like your take on pox. It seems your meta is crawling with ant and dredge from looking at your sideboard. I really like that maindeck extirpate. Aggro loam/loam horizons give this deck a lot of trouble. You will have significantly better game 1 win chances with hate for life from the loam. I don't know how heavily that card is played in your meta, but it can be really problematic for this deck because it doesn't care about being discarded. It also seems that you've abandoned the recurring creatures that I see in traditional variants like bloodghast or nether spirit. This is in favor of additional discard spells? I also see that you're running 3smallpox/4pox. I generally prefer the split going the other way to deal with problematic creatures that hit fast or against decks that also feature land distruction(evagreen/junk)
Oh, you're playing with a vintage card pool. 1x Brainstorm and 1x ponder might be nice ideas. With brainstorm, you can fix your hand, then shuffle to reset the top two cards. With two card combos, ponder is also nice.
This deck has some pretty good concepts behind it, but I think it needs to interact with its opponent more. With the amount of combo/faster aggro decks that exist, you may consider taking advantage of your color to play some of the best disruption spells ever printed. You might want to add a few so you can keep your opponent off their toes when you beat them down. Here are some and their mana costs: Sinkhole (BB)-destroy target land Hymn to Tourach(BB)-Target opponent discards two cards at random. This guy is a budget card, but also awesome at disrupting. It can act as land destruction and if you go first with a dark ritual in hand. you may make your opponent regret keeping that one land hand. In any other instance, it is still powerful. Extirpate(B)-Split second. RFG target card in a graveyard, then strip your opponent of all copies of it. It gets their deck and hand too. This can be a very strong card to bring in against most decks of the combo variety. Thoughtseize(B)-This card snatches a nonland card from your opponents hand for the low cost of two life. It snatch out essential bits of your opponents' gameplans. Dark Confidant(1B)-Dark tutelage effect, but on a 2/1 body. With an average loss of .93 life each turn for your deck right now, the life loss is virtually no drawback. If you make use of these discard spells, you can also pull out removal like STP or lock cards like counterbalance. The discard at random is also painful, and will mess up opponents with faster clocks than you. This deck has some pretty good concepts behind it, but I think it needs to interact with its opponent more. With the amount of combo/faster aggro decks that exist, you may consider taking advantage of your color to play some of the best disruption spells ever printed. You might want to add a few so you can keep your opponent off their toes when you beat them down. Deathgreeter might be a good card to sub out for some of these. Here are some and their mana costs: Sinkhole (BB)-destroy target land Hymn to Tourach(BB)-Target opponent discards two cards at random. This guy is a budget card, but also awesome at disrupting. It can act as land destruction and if you go first with a dark ritual in hand. you may make your opponent regret keeping that one land hand. In any other instance, it is still powerful. Extirpate(B)-Split second. RFG target card in a graveyard, then strip your opponent of all copies of it. It gets their deck and hand too. This can be a very strong card to bring in against most decks of the combo variety. Thoughtseize(B)-This card snatches a nonland card from your opponents hand for the low cost of two life. It snatch out essential bits of your opponents' gameplans. Dark Confidant(1B)-Dark tutelage effect, but on a 2/1 body. With an average loss of .93 life each turn for your deck right now, the life loss is virtually no drawback. I prefer this to sign in blood. With your current build, it actually costs you less life and still can connect for damage. This card is rediculous. It isn't technically disruption, but I thought i would list it anyways. Wasteland- If I make a deck that isn't 3+ colors or combo, I like to try to squeeze one or two of these in. The mana denial it provides is amazing, and it also kills mishra's factory, which is really annoying. If you make use of these discard spells, you can also pull out removal like STP or lock cards like counterbalance. The discard at random is also painful, and will mess up opponents with faster clocks than you. Also, why the fetchlands? I don't see them being useful or doing much for you, outside of VERY small amounts of deck thinning. In a developed 1.5 meta, you will see stifle. People can neuter counter your search, and you will lose the land. Fetchlands are worth that drawback if you gain a benefit from them(mana fixing or with brainstorm). If you don't have that, the minor deck thinning isn't especially worth the added risk. Anyways, I really like the deck.
Well, that is one of Zoo's difficult matchups. Gaddock Teeg, Leyline of Sanctity, Ethersworn Canonist and winning the coin flip all help. Also, wasteland is definitely a card that should be in here. These won't swing the matchup in Zoo's favor, but they will give it a better chance. One card I would question in a format where a good portion of decks are running brainstorm is goblin guide. Otherwise, nice deck.
I love the stiflenought combo and play it in legacy (dreadstill). Anyways, I like your high count of stifle effects (8+4 tutors!), but you have relatively fewer ways of fetching the nought. I like trinket mage. It finds nought and other utility cards (SDT, EE, pithing needle). You might consider throwing those in because you have a TON of stifle effects. You don't seem to have a way of abusing standstill though. You might consider cutting it or putting in some mishra's factories.
Nice deck, but here are some changes I would make: Your curve is a bit high. You might be able to remedy this by adding mana producers, namely noble hierarch if you were to splash green. You might also consider running a few more counters and ways to disrupt your opponent. 7 cards that do that do not constitute enough. Another thing that you might want to consider doing is reducing the amount of lands in your deck. 25 is very high, and those lands don't do too much once you get an opposition out. If you were to cut down to 20-22 and add some mana producing creatures, you may be happier. The mana producing creatures can fix you better and also tap down your opponents with opposition, something your lands cannot do. I agree with the other recommendation to add more draw power to this deck, and that can be accomplished with brainstorm, which also adds consistency. Brainstorm+fetchland is a very powerful draw engine. Changes I would make(these are just suggestions, and you may take them with a grain of salt if you choose to) are here:
I don't really see how orim's chant is especially powerful in this deck. Also, you really don't need the squadron hawks. If you survival all of your vengevines into your graveyard, it really should only take one attack for victory. Squadron hawk is really only useful if you plan on a stretched out game where your vengevines get killed a lot. This is probably not the case. Another thing you might want to watch out for is the graveyard hate that most legacy decks pack now because survival of the fittest is taking up a relatively large percentage of the metagame. Orim's chant is mostly useful for protecting a win on turns where a deck will win rapidly, but also sometimes sees play on a stick to annoy your opponents until they draw a krosan grip. Survival will often win over multiple turns (eg dump vengevines one turn, get in for dmg turn afterwards). Orim's chant doesn't actually disrupt an opponent's hand or stop an answer from happening; it merely stalls. This can be incredibly effective in storm based combo decks, but I do not think it will prove to be as reliable in survival. Another thing you might be concerned about is the small amounts of disruption you are running. You are running 8 free counterspells, but that is it. You may consider increasing that amount or packing some other form of disruption. If you were to cut your squadron hawks and orim's chants for cards that had an impact on the game state, I believe you would see much better performance out of this deck.
The manabase of this deck does not appear too intensive to run mana denial in the form of lands. You might be able to replace a few stomping grounds with rishadan ports. I'm also a bit curious as to what purpose squee serves in this deck. You have no discard effects and no bazaar. I'm really a fan of this deck though. Food chain goblins are awesome. You might consider adding skirk prospectors and another sharpshooter in place of those copies of squee if you don't take advantage of its ability.
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