adding the paths is a very good call; I'll do that.
You might consider cutting the izzet boilerworks and adding cascade bluffs. Also, I'm not exactly sure how you plan on casting cast through time. You should either add mana acceleration through rite of flame or cut it from deck, as it will be almost impossible to play. This deck will probably have won by the time it gets the mana to play that.
This could do with either cheaper spells or the ability to generate much more mana. You could consider adding sol ring, thran dynamo, mind stone or other accelerators.
You might consider adding wrath of god type cards. That way, you could board wipe right before a large creature hits the board on your side.
You might want to consider noble hierarch or harrow for acceleration. Terastodon costs 8, and it will cost quite a bit to get the tuskcaller levelled up.
Try cutting the main deck down to 60 cards. You could move the naturalize to the sideboard. I'm not quite sure why mark of asylum is on the sideboard.
How does peer pressure factor into this deck? Are you preparing for other elephant decks? Also, elephant graveyard is a rather interesting land that fits this theme. It's only an uncommon, so it shouldn't be too much price-wise to add to the deck.
Wouldn't copy enchantment have about the same effect as aura swap, except I wouldn't lose the aura on the creature that i pacified previously?
good point. I had forgotten about that.
41-49 of 49 items