Did some changes:-3 Hypnotic Specter-1 Tandem Lookout-1 Ring of Xathrid-3 Recoil+2 Typhoid Rats+1 Desecration Demon+1 Duress+1 Dive Down+3 Into the RoilDecided to drop Hypnotic Specters. They looked nice on paper and had cheesy synergy with the enchantments, but they were rarely winning me games. Instead I went with options that provided more consistency. After dropping Hypnotics, I also changed Recoils to a 1 mana cheaper Into the Roil, since the discard wasn't so effective anymore.
Some more options for Trinket Mage:- Seat of the Synod- Glaring SpotlightAlso considering you might want to spend the mana untapping the Horseshoe, maybe a Daze or Misdirection you can play without mana?
Great. Faithless Looting was my first thought too, but didn't have any free unfortunately. Was also thinking about Izzet Charm for the spot, since it has the same effect and also non-creature counter option. None of those available either. Think I'll make a proper version too. Let's see if I can find Juggernaut or Meteor :p
How about Seaside Haven? Sacrifice to draw is of course not that ideal, but you could still sacrifice as response to removal. It's also a combat trick with Soulcatcher's Aerie.
That's a lot of taplands, but also 4 colors. If you replaced Eladamri's Call with something like Fauna Shaman, you could cut white. Absorb for Voidslime if you want to keep countering. Then again Maelstrom, Polukranos and Vraska could be enough control, so maybe something to find The Ozolith. Trinket Mage comes to mind, which you can also discard for Fauna Shaman to find another creature instead.If you could cut white then I'm sure you can find something to reduce the number of taplands. Also Zagoth Triome is a straight upgrade for Opulent Palace.
Considering what should I add as a second win condition. Too much relies on Noxious Ghoul being around. I'm considering something like Carrion Feeder that can eat the tokens. Unbreathing Horde, who can also be reanimated when killed. Or perhaps menace from Graf Harvest, which would help some attackers get through, but also make Deadly Allure better.
How about something like Shade's Form instead of Tooth of Chiss-Goria ? ... On second thought, Tooth does it's thing nicely with Affinity. Still Some recursion could be of use.
Older clerics? I dig.May I suggest Battletide Alchemist?Also Revival // Revenge could work as a finisher with Sanguine Bond, but is also able to get back Pridemate/Master Apothecary/Fiend Hunter if needed.
Uh, I'm sorry, but I don't think the advocates work with Rest In Peace, since you must target cards in the graveyard and there won't be any to target.
I bet some use them, but if it's just kitchen table play, no one bothers. Grand Abolisher here is more like a "maybe" card for the mainboard, since it could prevent opponents from doing anything when Thrumming Stone hits the board.
Well, I don't think most decks plan against that, unless coincidentally land recycling is one of their decks main things. That said, Persistent Petitioners are only 2 mana. If I had more consistent ways of getting Mesmeric Orb (which mills myself too), I could run something like Crucible of Words to get more lands and coincidentally have a plan for land destruction too.
This is a lot like how I started my bounce deck.Check out Suq'Ata Firewalker and Aphetto Alchemist. Aphetto is a cheap untap that also works nicely with Cowardice. You could even consider some tapping artifacts with him or Seat of the Synod for extra mana (he can untap the land, since it's an artifact).
Dark Ritual can help you put some combo pieces early on like Fate Unraveler, Puzzle Box or Underworld Dreams. Later on you can also use them for Cyclonic Rift overload.
Cool. Could use something like Enlightened Tutor to find the combo pieces, Athreos or artifact lands.
Cute, I like it. Did you consider Scion of Darkness though?
Trinisphere might work here, since most of the things cost 3 and that makes it pretty hard to cast stuff while Patron WIzard and/or Propaganda is around.If you want to change your mana curve a bit, you might get some ideas from my wizard deck https://www.mtgvault.com/dankirk/decks/wizard-academy/ Personally I like Aphetto Alchemist with Seat of Synod. Here he could untap the Vial too.
Seems fun.Church of Deals doesn't do much though. If you want a fancy WB utility land, I'd suggest Vault of the Archangel. The deathtouch from it works nicely with your tokens.
Powerful stuff here. Plenty of cards to take in consideration for my deck, though some might seem a little too expen$ive for my budget.Have you considered Devout Chaplain or Suture Priest? There's plenty of room for improvements on my deck, but they've been pretty valuable on my tables. http://www.mtgvault.com/dankirk/decks/shadowborn-edh/
Hey, I had something similiar to this.If you want, I'd suggest running Secluded Steppe, which works nicely with Weathered Wayfarer. Frontline Medic helps turning the clerics in to something you can attack with while Battletide Alchemist prevents everything, or just go with a protected Doubtless One. Shared Triumph or Adaptive Automaton could help boosting them up a bit. Only thing I really had problem with was board sweepers, which I'd probably try to play around with Nevermore, but you do have Emeria and Order of Whiteclay... If you decide to put in some global enchantments (like Nevermore), you could also consider Devoted Caretaker.
You might need more actual discarding and less trigger effects.You could decide on whether to go all in for Racks + Shrieking Affliction OR Liliana's Caress + Megrim + Waste Not.The first option focuses on keeping opponents hand size down, allowing you to win when both of you run out of cards and creatures, which is great for double edged strategy such as Rotting Rats and Smallpox. I'm currently testing myself if Grim Discovery is worth a slot in this type of deck.With the second tactic you need some plan as to what to do at start of the game. If you play your discards, you'll need some draw for yourself and opponent so they can later take some damage from the enchantments. Sign in Blood can be used either way. Howling Mine and Master of the Feast can help you there aswell.
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