Ugh I though I would never have to see infect again... Well here's what I have to say about it.It looks pretty good although I'm surprised you don't have from affliction for creature removal/ proliferation. Or any other removal for that matter.I would also suggest the zendikar sack lands if you can afford them.Finally I would personaly run 2 skitherix's so you are more likely to draw him.
Looks good.
Also I would suggest making a sideboard to awnser specific deck types, like putting in graftdiggers cage or ground seal in it to stop reanimation strategies.
As far as replacing cards go I would replace ones that have about the same cmc as the card your putting in, or lower to keep your mana curve. But try and replace creatures with creatures and lands with lands ECT.
for shocklands you don't always pay the life, only if you plan on using it for mana before your next turn.
Ok first about the green cards I would suggest ones like champion of lambholt, kissige cage breakers, master biomancer, and a cheaper one that I forget the name of but he has soulbond and the soulbonded creatures get +2/+2.
I don't have a pelakka wurm but i might buy one as well as like one of the legendary eldrazi to replace my subpar fatties. and I thought about cards like scion of the wild but decided against it as I can just use pennon blade on any of my creatures.
Well if you can get your hands on some stomping grounds because you can get both your colors at no loss of tempo for the price of 2 life.It seems like you have to many creatures at the high end of the mana curve for what I assume you want to be an aggro deck; I would replace some of the high end cards for cheap ones, for example your hamletback goliath for an ash zealot. Also I would replace the titanic grow with a giant growth because it is one cheaper, but only gives +1/+1 less.
Doesn't look to bad for your first deck, but I would like to make some suggestions.It seems like you have a strong foot in azorius with all the detain, but your green feels like it was just tacked on. Like your adaptive snapjaw doesn't have many cards to evolve it and it has no cards that it causes to evolve so it's just a big beat stick. I would either cut the green and just go white/blue, or give your green a little more umph.Also I know your budget probably limits this, but get as many shock lands as you can, because the guildgates slow your tempo down.Since your deck seems controlish I would suggest cards like cyclonic rift, dissipate, celestial flare, and azorius charm
I have a few questions for you. how do you hold off against agro decks? as you have no 1 drops and then after that you have your azorius charms to send creatures back to the library. But what about burn decks? Also even if you sideboard all your fogs in that won't help against a burn deck. Also you say it's control but you only have 2 dissipates and and then your supream verdicts, but it just seems like it's a really slow beatdown deck. also a sideboard has to be 0 or 15 cards so you should add 7 cards to it.
So I'm no professional but this is what I have to say about your deck.The conjurer's closet which i assume you use to flicker your large cards like hover barrier to trigger evolve seems out of place.I don't know if you can afford them but master biomanser, as well as breeding pools would go well in the deckI found the card give//take, as well as burst of strength to be very effective in my Simic deck especially when used on fathom mage. 20 lands seems like to few for your deck as it doesn't look like it is aggro, especially where you don't have breeding pool, simic guildgate, or evolving wilds for mana fixing. I would up the count to like 22.
I'm no top level tournament player but this is what I have to say.The x4 fog seems a bit unnecessary I would cut that number down. And may I suggest say elvish visionary in its place because green cardadvantage can't be passed up.Also as far as the x4 llanowar elves I would swap some out for functionality equivalent elves so you are less vulnerable to effects that hit all cards of the same name; some examples that I use in my elf edh deck are arbor elf and boreal druid. Also if I'm not mistaken there is a new fictional reprint of him in m14.Also you might want to replace some of your lands with utility lands such as contested war zone, or tranquil thicket, although where you are only running 20 lands you might not want to. Also if you can afford it get cavern of souls.Also check out the new card from m14 called door of destinies which could replace like one of your coat of arms.Also I would add a side board with cards like autumn's veil, and cards to stop specific deck types.
41-52 of 52 items