Should be kind of obvious but I'll say it anyways. Shock lands instead of gates and basics.
Looks interesting, but as far as your lands go I think you have to many of the scry lands, since they come in tapped they really slow you down. Personally I would replace at least two of your temple of mystery with breeding pool. And I dont know how I would feel running 4 supreme verdict, I would do 2-3 and replace the 1-2 copies with counterspells.
Oh and and as far as match ups go my worse is against decks like affinity, burn, and storm. While im best against control, zoo, and against as close to a mirror match as possible wich is pod deck.
As far as the actual construction of the deck one day I would eventually like to replace the evolving wilds with a zendicar sac land but its not exactly in my budget. Also this deck is lacking a good first turn play due to a lack of one drops so if anyone has a good suggestion that would be great. And for my sideboard I haven't decided what to put in the other six slots, so any suggestions would be good. Then the card render silent is 98% of the time a more color intensive cancel, so I've been wondering if I should replace it with a mana leak or dissipate. And then for my temple I can't decide if I want to replace it with a breeding pool, cause scry 1 is good, but coming in tapped is not. And then any other comments would be appreciated.
I actually have a similar deck I'm limited by my budget so it's not a top tier deck but maybe you can get some ideas from it.
I'm going to suggest some cards that you might be interested in.Consecrated Sphinxwheel and dealwindfalltolarian windsTeferi's Puzzle Box
My favorite pump spell besides mutagenic growth is groundswell. You should look into it.
Ok glad to have helped.
Ok so here are some card suggestion.Breeding poolHinterland harborgive//takeevolving wildsTeramorphic expansefarseekRing of evos isleRing of kaloniaunexpected resultsExperiment krajMomir Vig, Simic VisionaryDissipate (in place of cancel)creeping corrosion Scavaging oozeMisty rainforestYou probably won't use all of these but hopefully they will get you thinking.
Why no blue/black dual lands? And as far as improving your deck goes replace the guildgates with shocklands if you can. Also replace your murders with doom blades, you can always keep murder in your sideboard if they are playing black. Then personally I would not use bone splinters as the only creature you have that likes death is your goblin arsonist. And finally while there is nothing wrong per say with the shatter arch's I would use dissipates instead.
I agree replace cancels with dissipates. Also in control decks I'm a fan of cyclonic rift. As far as sideboards go you could put in rachet bombs and take out the assemble the legion. Also another good sideboard card is pithing needle.
Oh ok. Also didn't know about the rules change to sideboards thought just legendaries and planeswalkers so thanks for that info.
This deck looks pretty good, especially since pod decks were the bane of my existence back in zendikar-mirroden standard.A couple of suggestions I would like to make are getting some of the rivnica shocklands for your deck. Also a really good one for pod decks now would be thragtusk although were you don't have many 6+ drops he may not be all that useful, but just a suggestion.
I'm not sure if your currently working on this deck, or if you just forgot but you only have 3 lands in this deck.
Personally I would swap out the maze abominations.
Well the first suggestion I have is replace all of your guild gates with shock lands if you can afford them.My second suggestion is put some 1 drops in you deck so that turn one isn't always place land, go. I would recommend shadow alley denizen or slitherhead.
Have you considered like savage summoning as a sideboard against control decks? Also have you considered giant growth?Btw its cool you did simic agro most simic decks I've seen are control or combo.
I Really like that idea, I'll see if i can't trade for one at fnm this week.
Yes over in the forums
I'm not really sure, although I don't think it will really affect it that much if I went in either direction.
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