Would that be in preference of Temple of Silence to replace the forests? Or would you cut 4 of something else to add both?While I do agree I will end up with a lot of green mana, why would that be an issue given how much white and black mana I can generate, using Axebane Guardian and Sylvan Caryatid?
After going through the recommendations and critiques of this deck I reworked it into a new form:http://www.mtgvault.com/dainir/decks/t2-ramped-extortion/This deck ramps mana much quicker to be able to fuel your extortions. There were many more 1 cmc spells added to further extort and protect your beasties.
Honestly, I am out of practice and not quite sure which ones to include and which creatures to trim out. This is essentially the deck I would like to try out for a while as I get back into magic.So I designed the deck around using one specific mechanics and then tweek it from there. If you or others have knowledge to share to spare me some pain and time in the reworking process I would greatly appreciate it. Much as I already greatly appreciate the advice given.
That is one of my major concerns with the deck is not having enough mana to run the extorts.That was one of my thoughts on why I didn't consider sanguine bond orignially and had forgotten that.What other changes would you make to make it more playable. Keep in mind one of the 4 drops increases mana generated from swamps.
I like it, double dip on the extort damage.
I never even thought of the vizkopa guildmage! That is a perfect addition to this.
In case I am tapped for mana when I cast the spell. Each instance of extort requires you to pay one mana for it to happen.
The extra silly creatures then would have two instances of extort. So you can trigger extort twice off the same creature.The Staff of the Death Magus was what I was considering to pair with Archangel of Thune. To pump creatures if need be.
I like the deck I am just not sure how well the ciphers will fit in as they require you to deal combat damage for them to trigger.
I am not seeing how you get infinite mana out of this. I would love to get a deck going that would allow for this easily, especially one that's monocolored. The closest I've come is: http://www.mtgvault.com/dainir/decks/defensive-mana-ciphering/But that requires and r/b combo at minimum.
It is T2 legal, the only card that will be removed when the next expansion comes out is contaminated ground. At which point, I don't know what I will put in in its stead, but there are plenty of options.
Yeah, it'd of been nice, but sometimes reality is a B***, it just wouldn't have worked.
The reason why I don't have any 4 CMC creatures is that bloodghast will be the only creature sac'd with birthing pod. If I only Sac the bloodghast, it will come back all on its own, so I don't need any cards to return them to my hand or play.
Well there is a problem, I had someone correct me on this as well. Birthing pod only works to summon creatures with the CMC of 1++ CMC of the sacrificed. So you can't sacrifice a 2 CMC creature to get a 1CMC out... So with your deck as is, the trinket mage is only going to see the light of day when your one island is in play.
Ouch, I didn't realize that is how it worked... Thanks for pointing that out...
PS, originally this deck didn't have drowned catacombs or darkslick shores.
Or just add dual lands? Or would that not be good enough to solve it for you?
I really like the concept you are going for with this. I would however in your situation do a couple things. First, I feel that you really don't need either blue or white (just one of the two). The trick is you have to get blightsteel or a praetor into your hand. I personally I would go with white. I would add stone forge mystic and darksteel plate to protect your piper. Next I would add some means of card draw or some way to get your baddies into your hand quicker. I would personally go with Fauna shaman. Next I would drop either some cultivate or rampant growth for a llanowar elf or two. I would also substitute Darksteel Colossus for Myr battlesphere (the additional creatures to chump block with could be very valuable) Edits in total: -4 shape anew // +3 Stone Forge Mystic +1 Darksteel plate -1 Mystical Tutor//+1 Darksteel plate -4 Darksteel Colossus//+3 Myr Battlesphere -4 Rampant Growth// +4 Llanowar Elves -1 tinker, -1Blightsteel Colossus//+3 fauna shaman
You don't need to fetch only 3 mana creatures with your Bloodghast. You can fetch Emissaries for mana ramp and any of the other creatures. I am not sure how well everything works as I am more making this for a deck challenge than anything. As for being bait for Karn, yes I intend to exile them from my hand and use Karn's ultimate. I never have to have the mana to get them into play. The other options for mirran crusader are listed above. Any suggestions you have I would greatly appreciate.
I would drop the ichorclaw myr's in favor of Necropedes or plaguemyrs, one gives you targeted removal if they manage to kill the necropede, the other gives you more ramp. Also, If you add the necropede, mortar pod would be ALOT of fun. I have a standard deck that you might be interested looking at: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=174713 It is built around glissa, and uses perilous myr in a similar manner as I suggested for Necropede.
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