
93 Decks, 214 Comments, 34 Reputation

Thank you both for the inputs. Especially the bile blight tip.

Outside of bileblight I wasn't impressed with the mass removal spells. Instead of removal I plan on speeding up and adding life gain by swapping out:
despises >> thoughtseize (So I can take out their burn spells as well)
bassara tower archer >> gurmag swiftwing or disowned ancestor
Garruk + 1 Sultai Ascendency >> 3x the Eternal thirsts

Your thoughts on this would be nice. I don't have many friends who play mono red aggro)

Posted 02 January 2015 at 09:30 in reply to #524528 on T2 Assault a Graveyard


I can't speak exactly for Northern, but I am pretty sure that is excluded because it is rare. Every card is common or uncommon which is what makes Northern's decks so awesome.

Posted 31 December 2014 at 19:21 in reply to #526144 on Budget Decks: Rainbow Slivers


Maybe add venom sliver then? However I have no idea what to take out.

Posted 31 December 2014 at 19:15 in reply to #526054 on Budget Decks: Rainbow Slivers


I've loved playing Venom Sliver with striking sliver, you can't beat first strike/deathtouch.

Posted 31 December 2014 at 09:56 as a comment on Budget Decks: Rainbow Slivers


I love the deck. My only concern is the mana ramp with only caryatids and wayfinders to block early game. Has this not been an issue, and I am just too paranoid about getting behind?

Posted 23 December 2014 at 23:55 as a comment on Herpes and Hornets


I like the deck. I've been working on making Sultai deck based around the graveyard, and the idead of whipping a hornet queen never crossed my mind. I am working on making the change to in corporate that somehow. Anyways excellent deck. +1

If you could check out the sultai deck it is: http://www.mtgvault.com/dainir/decks/t2-assault-a-graveyard/

Posted 23 December 2014 at 23:46 as a comment on You Think Im Dead? NOT!


What about using Rattleclaw Mystic in place of Golden Hind? It gives you more mana flexibility and could allow you to splash red if you really wanted. (Surrak dragonclaw is one that I have seen splashed this way.)

Otherwise I really like the deck especially all the hexproof and anti counter. Nice protection on your big creatures.

Posted 23 December 2014 at 23:33 as a comment on G/U Anticounterspell


If you are featuring creatures that die frequently you might want to consider the following two cards: blade of the bloodchief and pawn of ulamog.

BoB grants a +1/+1 token to the creature it attached to any time a creature dies.

PoU gives you an eldrazi spawn everytime a non-token creature dies.

Posted 15 December 2014 at 10:06 as a comment on WHY WONT THEY STAY DEAD!!!


As soon as brain maggot dies, their card returns to their hand. So, I am not so sure it makes for a great blocker. Now, with Athreos down, it is helpful. But it doesn't remove the card like thoughtseize does.

Posted 06 May 2014 at 16:18 in reply to #461451 on T2 Extortion pump


Especially with the high priest of penance... you block with priest, he dies, so you get to destroy a nonland permanent and your opponent either loses 3 life you cast him again next turn...

God of passage is the perfect card for this deck.

Posted 01 May 2014 at 04:59 in reply to #459925 on T2 Extortion pump


Damnation is the same card as wrath of god, but is black black. (2)BB Unless you have some other reason to use white you should change that.

Posted 21 April 2014 at 04:19 as a comment on Relentless Rats (Rebuild)


I see it now. I will make a deck that has that, but it won't be this deck as I made it for the theme rather than the effectiveness. Thanks for pointing that out.

Posted 21 April 2014 at 04:11 in reply to #455409 on Ral's Apprentices


I don't follow your shorthanded concern. Burnished hart is designated to be sacrificed, once sacrificed it will generate a rat and ramp the deck by putting two lands in play.

Once you get a hart out in two during you will definitely have 5 mana. But getting there, turn 5, is my big concern.

Posted 16 April 2014 at 02:14 in reply to #455432 on (T2) (B)Eating tokens of hope


I am working a standard deck featuring rats, I would love your input on it.


In the deck I tried to address ramp issues along with adding some control.

If you do go with ogre slumlord, I would recommend adding a creature or two that can return to the playing field from your graveyard. Reassembling skeleton, and bloodghast come to mind but I haven't looked them up recently. This would give you a mechanic to generate rats turn after turn, and have a disposable blocker/attacker (bloodghast can't block...)

Posted 14 April 2014 at 01:37 as a comment on Relentless Rats


Doesn't that combo require some other creature to be generating mana be it through an enchantment or equipment attached to it?

Without adding that other creature, enchantment, or equipment, triton tactics doesn't do much more than ral's +1.

What ral's plus does allow is for you to use Arcane apprentice twice a turn. You can exile Izzet charm, and burn for two, untap and wait to couter your opponent's next spell.

Posted 14 April 2014 at 01:19 in reply to #455409 on Ral's Apprentices


You are correct, I hadn't considered burn and removal decks... I think I side boarded a solution that will allow me to play that out a little better, eldrazi monument in place of diabolic tutor. My creatures than can block without worries. I would also up the deck to 64 cards and put in awakening zone so I wouldn't have to be constantly sacrificing my creatures.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 17:47 in reply to #453401 on Doubling 4 Garruk's Eldrazi


Also, it would probably be a good thing to tag this as: NOT ACTUAL DECK

Posted 06 April 2014 at 17:05 in reply to #453392 on Which God Do You Worship?


Thassa, ephara, karametra. They help me get what I want...

If you would be willing I would like to hear your thoughts on a deck:

Posted 06 April 2014 at 16:45 as a comment on Which God Do You Worship?


As for your deck itself, just wow. I am in awe of how awesome this deck is.

My only thought for maybe improving the deck is to use some type of proliferate mechanic that could increase the number of +1/+1 counters on your creatures, especially mycoloth, and also increase the loyalty of planeswalkers.

Best options I see for this:
Contagion Engine
Contagion Clasp
Plaguemaw beast

I am not sure if these would improve your deck or not, but its a direction to consider.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 18:58 in reply to #453139 on Sorry my tokens hurt you


The concept of playing a planeswalker and immediately being able to use their ultimate ability made me think of getting Garruk, Caller of Beasts Out. His ability allows you to play a creature card then search your deck for another creature and put it into play. Here is my deck based on that.


Posted 05 April 2014 at 18:45 as a comment on Sorry my tokens hurt you


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