
19 Decks, 1,441 Comments, 267 Reputation

Nice! Ambush Commander's ability could be nice to copy, since you don't have to pay costs again to copy it.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 19:17 as a comment on Breaking Brighthearth


I love your Rotting Rats man, it's like a staple for you :P

That's a hilarious game in the above post, btw...well it was a game for you :P :P :P

Posted 02 November 2011 at 18:42 as a comment on MBC: Tempo Discard


If you do it DURING the end step, they don't exile until the next one, so you'll be able to untap and still have the token (or two, depending on if you use it twice) to swing with on your turn. If you want to, you can play a Slagstorm to kill said token(s) during main phase two, and get the graveyard effect. Just clearing that up.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 09:34 in reply to #211371 on Fiery Red/Green Control


OH....MAh Gawd! This is really sweet man, Eternal Dragon actually makes use of that epic spell. NICE!

Posted 02 November 2011 at 09:30 as a comment on When life gives you lemons...stall!!!


Is that your only suggestion for every black deck, even if it's standard? They are great, but late game they're just bad. Lmao. (This was a friendly question)

As for one mana spells, Vampire Lacerator, Guul Draz Vamp, and Pulse Tracker (probably better for multiplayer) are ALWAYS good, unlike Dark Rituals, which obviously run out of steam.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 09:28 in reply to #211358 on Vampires!!


Unless you kill your Emissary or Solemn before the end step (which is completely possible with the Slagstorm) they get exiled and therefore never hit the GY. Just remember to use the Vat during the end step of your opponent, to save mana on your turn, or to get the additional creature on your turn.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 09:05 as a comment on Fiery Red/Green Control


It's actually a top deck right now, Wolf Run Ramp. It uses Primeval Titan to fetch 1 of their 2 Wolf Runs, and an Inkmoth, which is what you could do. This definitely is a completely different take on RG, that I've never seen before. It looks good.


Check this new control deck I've made. I think it's pretty interesting, and so far it's VERY strong (but I lost FNM and Game Day because of not knowing how to play it, and I still don't have Dismember's)

Posted 02 November 2011 at 09:00 in reply to #211367 on Fiery Red/Green Control


Halloooowww Day of Judgment on turn 5............. Sad panda yet? lol

As thorne said above, it's a bit too slow, to rely on opponents not stopping you. So I'm gonna let you find a way to speed it up.

And just so you know, if you have Palladium out with two Galvanizers, you've got infinite, so it's actually turn five, if your mana is right. Turn three Palladium with three land. Turn four, you play a land then two Galvanizers (four land, and two mana from Palladium). Turn five is when you play the Exsanguinate.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 08:52 as a comment on Ulimited mana life drain


You cold run 1 or two Inkmoth Nexus' in here, so that after a global, you can swing in with infect + Wolf Run ftw. I like to use them in any deck that has any kind of pumps, because it's pretty much a time bomb, set to 5 seconds.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 08:40 as a comment on Fiery Red/Green Control


I'd like to see Tarox Bladewing in here. Really fun dragon! Really fun dragon deck!

Take a look at my Karrthus EDH and this other deck with a cool dragon thing...



They're both 'built around' dragons.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 08:35 as a comment on Dragons, Dragons, and oh ya Dragons!!!


Nice deck! It can potentially get VERY annoying.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 07:21 as a comment on UG 'Turbo Fog' Thing


You can't do both man! It's called shroud! Equip abilities target! LOLOLOLOLOLOL Read cards (I'm just being a bit of a douche), then suggest them!

Posted 02 November 2011 at 07:04 in reply to #211248 on Its Done. Have a look


NOT even close! Izzet was too dependant on spells, which made it hard to have enough room for the creatures that would benefit.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 07:01 in reply to #211268 on Izzet Even Fair? (Izzet Deck)


You don't get infinite mana, read the Rings!

Posted 02 November 2011 at 05:29 as a comment on Deck Challenge: Snowblower


You don't get the Mentor trigger, because the Reaper actually pumps the zombie tokens. I'd suggest Moriok Replica for draw (Mentor and itself), and maybe Doomed Traveler.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 05:25 in reply to #210902 on umbrella corp. 2.1.0


Yup, Elder Dragon, build AROUND one. As I said in the Forums, maybe Jor Kadeen, or Cromat.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 04:17 in reply to #210878 on Sic Semper Tyrannis


Yeah, really common. I've made two myself, and seen about three more.

I have another idea for you SWN, I think you should make an eddie built around one the original dragon legends.

Posted 02 November 2011 at 03:31 in reply to #210878 on Sic Semper Tyrannis


Sadly, I gave away a foil one. D'=

Posted 01 November 2011 at 02:30 in reply to #211100 on Guess who has more cups?


Hey nice Delver of Secrets! Card's amazing!

Posted 01 November 2011 at 02:28 as a comment on Guess who has more cups?


Nope! You're missing blue! =)

Posted 01 November 2011 at 02:24 as a comment on Solar Flare?


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