Add verdant catacombs or polluted delta or something to lose life. Also add dark confidant/
Control is when you have draw cards like preordain and counterspells like mana leak and stoic rebuttal. Also this is more of a knight deck that needs a seachrome coast.
Where's the control?
That is if you want it to make it a sac deck. Also throw away hexmage it's unneeded.
BOTB is very good with bloodthrone and bloodghast. Mortican beetle also and viscerra seer. I think dark tutelage doesn't belong here
More lands less non-lands. Make it 60 cards.
Rather than playing phrexian, play mirran crusader of stillmon cavalier.
Actually says ten characters and it has 12 characters when including the space and the period.
What is that supposed to mean.
How bad was the duel deck?
Sun Titan? More stoneforges?
Since valakut's worst enemy is Caw blade, there is usally only one artifact in that deck. Take out a creeping corrosion and add another nature's claim.
What does that mean?
Rishidan Port since you seem to have quite a lot of money.
Silver Knight
More lands
Should be less eldrazi and more ramp.
Might want to add some spells that counter.
Into the Roil should replace Boomerang. What's the win condition?
If you're trying to play countrol, add more counter spells. What are you playing? I don't see a combo. And why are you running tumble magnets?
101-120 of 170 items