More glimpse the unthinkables.
Scalding Tarn thins out your deck. How about the new geosurge? TAKE OUT LAVA AXES. Chain lightning is much better. Too many planeswalkers. Rift bolt maybe?
Violent Ultimatum
Get some one drops! Your deck has none.
Way too many lands! Cut the valakuts and 2 mountains.
I think it should be 60 cards too.
I agree in putting in mana leaks instead of the pyroclasms. It's a much better choice.
Spell pierces work against day of judgement type of cards, which dispel won't work agsint. It's a great idea to put it in teh sideboard.
Drowned catacombs and darkslick shores. More despise and maybe inquistations of kozelik. Is this infect because there's not many infect cards.
Nicol bolas the plansewalker, and jace the mind sculptor
Bellowing tanglewurm, blessed orator (sucks), cavalry master, chainer, dementia master, elesh norn, faerie, noble, JORGA warcaller,
gaea's cradle? Maybe verdant catacombs to thin out the deck.
Get dual lands like glacial fortress and seachrome coast. Maybe soul warden and suture priest. Norn's Annex? Also you don't seem to be playing standard.
Marsh flats and make it 60 cards.
THRUMMING STONE! Gets out all you relentless rats. Memoricide as a sideboard card to take out the enemy's memoricides or surgical extractions.
Take out traumatize, it should only mill 10-15 cards if your mill deck is effective.
Make it 60 cards and add dual lands such as drowned catacomb and river of tears. Polluted delta also works.
Make it 60 cards!
Counterspell isn't standard.
It's also not standard.
21-40 of 170 items