
915 Decks, 109 Comments, 22 Reputation

You're very welcome

Posted 10 February 2015 at 16:46 in reply to #534945 on First Boros Deck


Looks pretty alright. Maybe swap out 2 mountains for 2 plains with your color symbol occurrence?

Posted 10 February 2015 at 13:51 as a comment on First Boros Deck


Thank you.

Courser would indeed be useful. He would also more than double the price of the deck :P

Posted 13 December 2014 at 12:35 in reply to #522234 on Sultai Delve Constellation


Doubling season is nice but I feel it's a tad too expensive, CMC-wise and $-wise as well :P

It would also make the deck a lot more heavily invested into green which would probably make the 13 green mana sources insufficient.

Thank you for the suggestion though :)

Posted 03 December 2014 at 04:28 in reply to #520629 on Colorless Scales


Hmm, why run a whole 4th color? The only reason there's black in this now is because of a singleton Unburial Rites as insurance in the unlikely event that a Bruna finds her way in the yard. If the rites is there too then it uses white mana, if it's in hand then there's black from the Birds.

Posted 24 October 2014 at 10:17 in reply to #513173 on Call of the Angel


Commune should dig for Bruna as a main focus. Anything else gets tossed away, if there are lands, great, if not all the better, likely more fuel for Bruna. Life from the loam on the other hand is self sufficient and can only benefit from the other 2 cards mentioned. It fills the yard on its own and then returns you the lands. Can return excess lands from Wayfinders and any lands from commune.

Posted 24 October 2014 at 10:13 in reply to #513173 on Call of the Angel


Why on Earth would I do that? The 4 Satyrs + 4 Commune with the Gods + 3 Life from the Loam is what I found to dig through my library for a steady influx of cards in my graveyard, lands and creatures/enchantments (tested this in a similar graveyard based deck).

Posted 24 October 2014 at 10:05 in reply to #513173 on Call of the Angel


Don't really care for board presences. My playgroup doesn't run full fledged aggro so games tend to be slower. Slow enough that I could reliably get my stuff out and just win out of nowhere onc eI start swinging. Can't wait for the Khans cards to test that out. :)

Posted 21 September 2014 at 22:05 in reply to #505156 on Jeskai - Burning Palm


Because technically the Khans cards are not yet in rotation, should be tagged properly once the set actually hits Standard. :)

Posted 21 September 2014 at 22:02 in reply to #505142 on Jeskai Control


Only have a minimal amount of the cards but would love to maximize the Budget aspect.

I wanna get started with EDH :)

Posted 12 September 2014 at 17:10 in reply to #502599 on Skullbriar EDH


The mana curve was indeed quite a thing of beauty, though misleading with all the Ninjutsu and Prowl costs :-?

Posted 08 September 2014 at 22:22 in reply to #501472 on Ninjutsu


Thank you. I look forward to testing it :)

Posted 08 September 2014 at 17:20 in reply to #501472 on Ninjutsu


Well that's the thing though, it's all theorycrafting at this point. I only just put this together on here this morning.
I have yet to proxy it up and test it.

That's kind of why I emphasize my thought process behind the choices more than just saying that it works for me :)

Update: I did end up swapping the Dimir Infiltrators with Inkfathom Infiltrators (same CMC with less strict mana requirements and has 1 extra power).

Posted 08 September 2014 at 17:00 in reply to #501472 on Ninjutsu


Hey, thanks for your comment :)

I have considered Deathcult Rogue but I think I would prefer to keep the unblockable creatures no higher than 2 CMC so as to have them come down early and have them do their thing.

My playgroup is pretty much of the Legacy format thus Modern legality is not a concern for me. In consequence Silent-Blade Oni should make for some fun times in all the multiplayer games we play (especially with the 12 bounce sources in the deck to grab whatever juicy creature they may have in play).

I have also considered Cloak and Dagger but since my game plan revolves around bringing in Ninjas to strike instead of my rogues I don't believe I could make optimal use out of the Equipment (it comes down as early as turn 2 and wouldn't be able to contribute until as early as turn 4 since a turn 3 Ninjutsu creature would not be equipped as it is not a rogue).

Land-wise I just set up whatever lands I have handy (I know if I want the best performance a well constructed mana base is important, but as is I'm certain it could work well enough for my needs).

That would be my reasoning for my choices. Do you agree/disagree with anything I mentioned?

Posted 08 September 2014 at 16:50 in reply to #501472 on Ninjutsu


I have not, it is purely a thought experiment at this time.

Posted 04 September 2014 at 20:45 in reply to #500313 on Mono-Red Aggro


Indeed, the curve is a bit tricky due to those particular cards. I tried finding anything to convert all the drawing power on the other version into a win con but Crawler is the only one I can find. Since the other version is a lot heavier with the draws the Crawlers and the Lurkers just fit right in.

Inspiration-wise, you're welcome. I'm glad you like it. Something comes to mind I try to make it happen :)

Posted 20 August 2014 at 16:54 in reply to #496491 on Disciple of Thievery


I ended up making an alternate version of this deck incorporating Disciple of Deceit making it more combo-like. You might like to check it out :)

Posted 20 August 2014 at 15:09 in reply to #496450 on Notion Theft


Thank you :)

Posted 20 August 2014 at 14:52 in reply to #496450 on Notion Theft


Why is that? And what would you suggest cutting for the said card?

Posted 11 August 2014 at 16:52 in reply to #493603 on B/G Constellation


Thanks for the suggestion :)

Posted 07 August 2014 at 01:31 in reply to #491987 on My Life for Victory


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