Well I'll try my way first. If it sucks when I use it, then I will swallow my words and stupid pride and go your way. Your way is logical though. -Reed
Basically I'm keeping both combos. I appreciate comments though.
You never know. If the opponent has a big creature coming in, and they think that they're won, there's no way I'll be at 1 life, then I pull angel's grace. Basically this is a life win deck, if they're about to kill me I pull Angel's Grace, and if they can't get there, I get to 40 life I win. -Reed
What do you think about Into the Roil? Situational draw power in case you need it, y'know?
Exactly right with the sideboard :P When I don't have the cash but its a good idea, I stick it there. Usually I can remember what's my actual SB. It just so happens I have 4 shortcutters. I have no idea whatsoever why I didn't include them. I think I can get my hands on the memnites, its a really good idea. But I think I'll keep 2 Shamans. I think I'll also take the lightning bolt idea. Thanks alot. I rarely play red, and burn and hitting hard is like a foreign language to me and I think I'm shifting my mindset... if only a little.
Mmk, thanks for the advice, but the first thing I have to say is... I have a budget of 0$. I have to trade cards to get what I want, and modify a deck when I get things that work well. But that's just eh goblin guide, the rest of your comment is very helpful. I got advice to remove the goblin bushwhacker for something else, and I'm not sure what to consider, what do you think? I'll take your advice and modify this a bit, your opinion is greatly appreciated. -Reed
Tap all lands, to deal lotsa damage to the opponent, whack 'em with the sword, untap all lands, rinse and repeat. -Reed
Erm, what do you mean not infinite.... I mean technically I could say I repeated the process of infinite mana... Or if you're in for the realm of reality, then I could say that I tap myr for mana, then untap the myr galvaniver 1,000,000 times. I mean 1,000,000/1,000,000 creatures have about the same effect as an infinite/infinite.
Oh and Merfolk Spies and Enclave Cryptologists? The make good cheap Merfolk. The spies would make good sideboards against anti-blue, as they hold islandwalk, and the Cryptologists give great draw power, especially in combination with Training grounds. As an idea, I can see where you're going with all the counters in combination with the Lullmages, but I'd take out a few cancels and trade them for Cryptologists and Sovereigns. I've said my fill now :3 -Reed
What do you think about adding Merfolk Sovereign?
That's a risk I'm willing to take, with the Elixirs and Stoic Rebuttals as backup. Its a fun deck to play with :)
me no likey. dean
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