DUDE! CLOSE CALL DECKS NEED BLACK!!!!!!!!! -----Death's Shadow-------
{0}.................o ||||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |-----------::::::::}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ||||/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ '''''''''''''''''''''''' IMA FIRIN MA LASER!!!!!!!!!
0/\0 ..\/.. See me eating it with my dragon?
good ratios, but ou know, my jund EDH will eat your dog.
Braids Cabal Minion - "Home is where you can find a decent graveyard and strangers can disappear without awkward questions."
Counterspell from Jace vs. Chandra - "The pyromancer summoned up her mightiest onslaught of fire and rage. Jace feigned interest"
I liek coin flipping. If there's anything I missed or could add to make this more awesome let me know.
This is my friend's old deck (We share this account, but I use it for the most part XD). He did add Treespeakers. Big time. Ya, his deck was quite unbeatable until I made my merfolk deck. And then I could just barely beat it XD Still Dean loves his ramp, and wants some comments so I thank ya. -Reed
So it seems. I'll put him in this deck, but when I make the real thing will probably be unable to get him. Its a shame. I can only imagine the possibilities... :) -Reed
Comments and suggestions would be nice.
I know right?
Add some Paradox Hazes in there and Ajani's Mantras.
Yay for decks that cost more than a year's worth of rent...
Might I recommend A Trusty Machete? Nice and cheap and good bonuses :D Only $4999.99 -Reed
Add some spells they're nice to have. Also, if you don't use white as much as black, take out some plains and put in some swamps. In my opinion you have loo much land to begin with (I prefer 20 max) but its up to you. I like the theme of near unblockability though. -Reed
I'd recommend Autumn's veil for pesky blue counters and annoying black removals.
I thank you for not telling me what I've heard 5 times already, though I am a stubborn one :P I do use the Grace/Near-Death as backup only and both ways of winning are funny (life=1 I win Life>39 I win) I got an idea from that deck I hope he doesn't mind me stealing... er... borrowing it (Kibra Crossroads). And I would cry if you Banefired twice. Then drop another Grace. 'Cause its funny :P. -Reed
I'd love to see that XD
Seems cool to me.
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