Way too many cards here. Trim it down to 60 (or so) and figure out a deck idea. Lands look good, maybe trim a few of them after you trim down to 60. Some advice: Figure out how you want your deck to win and trim cards out that don't fit that idea.
Throw in a few Cranial Extractions too.
There's a much simpler solution if you want to kill sliver decks. Play black and sideboard 4 plague slivers.
What's with the ginormous sideboard? It's, like, twice the legal size.
Izzit Dimir? It is indeed. Not bad.
I put in the Infiltrators, the transmute is a good idea, and it'd be nice to have some unblockable creatures to swing with too. And I'm not too worried about things being faster than me. Anything that is going to come out before a Servant isn't going to be that big of a threat in most cases. And when the Servant DOES come out I can destroy those creatures that just turned red. I put quite a bit of thought into this deck. A blue counterspell deck is probably it's biggest threat.
That's a pretty nasty combination there. Clever.
Crucible of Worlds would work nicely in this deck too
Look into Goblin War Strike, it deals damage to your opponent equal to the number of goblins you control. And it only costs one mana to play.
I actually looked at the Deathmark Prelate and came to the conclusion that I probably won't have zombies in play often enough for it to be really useful. Since I was planning on using Damnation after the Rotlung Reanimator is in play saccing zombies to kill creatures is redundant. I'll look into the Prophet and the Alchemist though.
Make it Green/White and add in Prismatic Omen, a much simpler way to achieve what you want to do.
Interesting Idea. I don't know how well it's going to work in practice though. Seems like a lot of set up for your win condition to go through, and if someone disenchants oblivion ring you're hosed.
If you put 2 more reality strobes in and got lucky enough to play all 4 you can start an endless loop, even without Paradox Haze.
No, it's a glitch in the system. The card reads "Enchant Land" so it reads it as both a land and an enchantment. And one Tranquility would spell doom for this deck.
Pretty nasty mill deck there. I can only think of one way to shut it down. Krosan Grip, followed by an Extirpate. Both have split second so your counterspells are useless against them. Other than that, it's a very solid deck that will probably get you a lot of wins.
The other deck I mentioned would have been better if it had a Lifeline in it too though. Just different ways of doing the same type of deck.
I've played against a better reanimator, this ones not bad by any means, but the other one was better. Look into the following cards: Faith's Fetters, Seizan Perverter of Truth, Blazing Archon, Platinum Angel, Ressurrection. The Faith's Fetters alone was what made the other one so annoying, and I can't even tell you how many times Seizan's ability killed me. With Blazing Archon in play you can't be attacked by creatures. Some duel lands wouldn't be a bad idea either.
This is how it's currently built, as I acquire new cards it gets tweaked. I built it this way on purpose. It's difficult to shut a deck down that doesn't really HAVE any combos that need to go off for it to work. It's major weakness is decks that can overwhelm it within the first few turns. Around turn 6 it starts to get going. And the crypts were supposed to be in the sideboard.
D;oh! I forgot to put in the card that gave the deck it's name, namely Empty the Warrens. With the Storm effect I can field almost infinite goblins to fuel War Strikes and Soulblasts.
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