If you're going to name it Thundering Giants you need to have Thundering Giants in it, just for thematic purposes :) And they actually wouldn't be a bad addition.
Not bad for a draft deck
Insanely high casting costs there dude. How exactly are you planning on getting nough mana to cast all this stuff? Looks to me like you won't be able to cast anything until turn three at the earliest. Look into things to speed this up a little. Your creature selection isn't bad...just expensive.
If they have no cards in hand they can't discard thrie hand, making it function as a counterspell, which it is in the first place. And if I don't need the Perplex I can transmute it to dig up a Hyppie or a phantom warrior.
I basically just wanted to use SOMETHING from the new set in there, that's the real reason for the cairns. And it does give me the ability to sideboard in some black if I want.
Can't afford a Lotus or a Mox, maybe if I win the lottery, but even then there's more important things to spend money on. I do have about 5 Sol Rings though, I might throw one in there. The Cairns are for the spend one to get two effect, the black is irrelevant. I didn't use Grapeshot because I've seen it before and wanted to do something different. I should be able to empty my hand pretty fast with this deck, so I figured a Demonfire that can't be countered would work just as well.
Too bad the new Shadowmoor mechanic wither pretty much neuters Stuffy Doll, one Puncture Bolt and he's done.
Nice deck. I've got one I've been tweaking for the better part of a year now, it's very mean. When I have more time I'll post it. It's a mill deck involving Extirpates and Cranial Extractions. And a nasty little combo I found = Temporal Extortion on a Panoptic Mirror. All mine needs is a few Glimpse the Unfindable.
Not bad. i wouldn't call it a control deck though...more like a life gain/burn deck. False Cure would be very very bad to have played right after the Beacon. If you're playing against black look out for it.
Much better If you can pull off the combo pretty much game over...IF you can pull it off. Fear any deck that can get rid of Phage before she hits play. As an example, a Cranial Extraction in the second game would be the last card you'd want to see. Since you already have green, consider throwing a Taunting Elf in there as well. Let Phage sit there for a turn, if they have at least one blocker they won't be too concerned about her yet. Then play the Taunting Elf and haste THAT.
Jeez. Just jeez. There are so many ways this deck could be beaten it's not even funny. First off, you need more than just Phage in there. A Trap Runner can block her all day long, even if she is made unblockable. Extirpate, a Shimian Specter, or Cranial Extraction would take away your win condition, pretty much neutering your deck. You need more than one win condition. Look up the Trap Runner if you've never seen it.
You can't use the piper to put Phage into play unless you first have a Platinum Angel out. You lose the game if Phage comes into play any other way than from your hand. Putting her into play with the Piper is playing her through another card. You have to pay Phage's mana cost in order to not lose, unless you have a platinum angel. And if the Platinum Angel dies while phage is still in play, i believe you would lose then as well. Phage isn't the "I win" button that everyone seems to think she is.
Pull the Spark Elementals and add 4 Smokebraiders, they'll help you get your other elementals out faster and you can pay their activation costs with them.
I would add a Magus of the Moat in there, prevents non-flyers from attacking.
I went with Fireballs for the utility of them, I can target more than one thing so I can wipe the board if I need to.
Looks like he's relying on Garruk to untap those Vivid lands when he plays them, good idea, except that most players kill him as soon as he hits the board.
You can also use the Ravnica block lands to pop the Gemstone Mines back to your hand with 1 counter left and replay them next turn with 3 again. And medomat, if the combo works the way it's supposed to I'll have more slivers than I know what to do with.
Look into the Basal Sliver/Consume Spirit combo, lets you sacrifice your slivers for a huge Consume Spirit. And it's standard legal.
If you want to win using the Darksteel Reactor you need at least 2 of them. You also need things that give you charge counters, such as Coretappers (which are Myrs anyway) I suggest 1 more Reactor, 4 Coretappers, and 4 Energy Chambers. Look into a Paradox Haze as well, gives you 2 upkeeps to add charge counters. With all 4 Coretappers and Energy Chambers out, you can win with the Reactor in 3 turns.
Not bad, i'd trim it a bit, but overall it isn't bad.
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