Do prisons even really have win conditions besides the other player running out of cards after 50 turns?
I think the elvish eulogist could be taken out for some wellwishers. I know this is a "1 drop" deck, but your not putting elves into the graveyard, so it seems useless.
You just need to find a way to keep melira alive. Add that darksteel plate.
And I forget to mention his deck is standard so dark ritual is also illegal.
While dark ritual is an excellent card, it really doesn't help him too much in a deck like this. If he plays it on turn one he wastes a mana unless he plays a nighthawk, and curve is relatively low enough where late game its just taking the spot of another useful card. The only card I really question is the tendrils; very good late game, but I almost like feast of blood better, or a child of night for more lifelink. Check out my suicide rogue deck, its a little like this except it uses more one drops.(And Prowl :) )
What about go for the throat? And can I get some help with my wheen walls attack deck? Its needs some adjustment.
I think you have too many explorer's scopes. They are nice cards, but it really only pays to have one on the field at a time. I would take out one or two. Also consider arbor elf. Its basically another llanowar. Rafellos would be a god in this deck, but I know you said you wanted to keep it budget friendly.
Yeah oops almost forgot, and I really wanted to used the verdant catacombs, but I can't drop $50 on four lands, so I'm seeing how the evolving wilds will work.
Thanks man Ill look into the idea of using doran, he is a pretty sweet card. I'm going to cut the painful quandary and the sanguine bond, and probably the valors. I think that I'll also take out one pillory (it is my favorite card so it pains me) then I'll add two dorans and 3 oblivion rings.
Hey thanks for the comments. I know that there are a lot of enchantments in this deck, it kind came together like that as I continued to replace the original life steal format for the tribal walls. The only reason I have one of some enchantments is because necropotence is restricted, and I like both sanguine and quandry but don't care which I draw. All the others are necessary to get the walls to be at their best, except the cradle, which is just nuts with wall of reverence. As for the one drops I know what your saying, it is nice to have one turn cards. I used to have souls attendant and essence warden in here, but I ended up sacrificing them for the tribal theme. If it wasn't for the fact that valor made real can be an instant game over I wouldn't even have those in there. I am glad you like this deck though, thanks for the comments.
I like life shift decks, and this one is one of the most fun i've seen so far. surewhynot you always produce. If someone could help me out with mine "When Walls Attack" I would appreciate it. (And any other of my decks for that matter, I had about 10 hit the site with only one comment about spelling :( )
o and draco + spellbound dragon equals awesome.
You need some serious mana ramp. Here are just a few suggestions based on what i've learned from my dragon deck, though its by no means perfect. 1. get rid of any big creatures that aren't dragons since they are the ones who should be beating the crap out of everything in for this deck. 2. more ramp: birds of paradise, more fertile grounds, and overgrown battlement are top picks 3. Belbe's portal, or dragon arch. Two of one, or one of each, they'll work the same. 4. Finally work out if you want to boost your weenies or have control. Having only two counters or 2 enchantments to boost just isn't efficient.
A very expensive one. I'm not trying to cut the deck because it is good. I think it would just be cool to see a one or even two turn kill deck that doesn't use the power nine. A+ though
Echo mage really doesn't fit in here unless you really want to copy preordain because once you get him out fully leveled, your opponents are going to be cautious about what they cast. I would suggest taking them out for two more mana leaks, and the skywatcher adepts for hada spy patrols. Unblockable shroud is much nastier, I know; my friend has a deck that uses them. Contagion Engine is also a good leveler and control, but I'm not sure how useful it will be to you since you have so much level accel anyway.
Boon reflection is an excellent choice to put in this deck, maybe put two in for a day of judgement and a plains. O and check out my life steal deck, When Walls Attack. :P
guard gomazoa instead of the tanglecords then
oops sorry didn't see them in there lol, well nevermind then. Good job
I know tons of people have said this, but I agree with putting in overgrown battlements instead of the wall of tanglecords. Overall a pretty cool deck though; props. O and I love all the hate going on, people willing to criticize a deck without any explanation or purpose. They are by far the coolest people on this site. Almost as cool as the guy who tried to argue with me that Dark Ritual should be reprinted for standard.
I'm sure you meant to have 4 mines instead, but you have 8 power plants. And since your not playing this as standard I would take out the stoic rebuttals and just put in straight-up counterspells. Otherwise good deck.
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