
236 Decks, 150 Comments, 9 Reputation

Sounds like a good idea, but I dont like the price on titans, hehe.

Posted 05 September 2010 at 14:50 as a comment on WorldCarver


Have you thought of Auriok Champion, Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant and Angelic Chorus. I know it is a soldier deck, but with that general everytime you are dealt x damage, you put x soldiers into play and gain x life. A good deal in my world. I don't know what to exchange though, but it is just an idea I got while looking at the deck.

Posted 21 May 2010 at 08:53 as a comment on edh soldiers


The skeletons functions as offense too, pumped by baron and bad moon they can be quite effective

Posted 18 March 2010 at 08:36 as a comment on Skeletonia


Hmm.. I will take my words back then and +1 :)

Posted 14 February 2010 at 13:14 as a comment on Elf Lich


Also a good combo using lich and platinum angel + donate, and you included some other lich cards as a bonus. Good job. +1 from here.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 00:34 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Costly Immortality


I like the deck, but I would maybe remove Rhys the Exiled, in a deck like this you could maybe end up with a bunch of tokens which is a good thing, but if you gain too many and somehow not wins the game, he can cost you the game, by making you mill yourself (some cards, a few but they still exist, can force him to attack). Besides that it looks quite good and the milling problem is only a small one, exchanging Rhys with an extra Maralen might work better.

Posted 11 February 2010 at 13:18 as a comment on Elf Lich


I would also say that this deck is nice. I would maybe have chosen skyfisher over hookmaster, but good job.

Posted 29 January 2010 at 10:10 as a comment on Commons deck challenge: Boros done cheap


Ok, did that also it made room for the Wicked Akuba and I actually think it is pretty powerful in this deck when unblocked.

Posted 28 January 2010 at 15:10 as a comment on Black, All in Common


How many were up for a second game?

Nice cruel deck +1 from me.

Posted 30 December 2009 at 06:16 as a comment on Swine to Infinity (HILARIOUS!)


You do know it is a cheapness contest right? I don't think Planeswalkers belong there not in a burn deck in general, the game should hopefully be over before the Planeswalkers get useful :)

Posted 29 December 2009 at 15:59 as a comment on Cheap Burn


well... not 40 thousand lol 40 dollars and 25,2 cent

Posted 29 December 2009 at 15:09 as a comment on Cheap Burn


Gah.. completely forgot, I also thought I could use both, but I just found the text about timeshifted cards weird, so thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who understands it that way.

Posted 29 December 2009 at 09:24 as a comment on Kaldra


Steelshaper's Gift (I had completely forgot about that one...) added at the cost of of one of each equipment and about the multicoloured lands then I don't like them because they come into play tapped and I feel that it is a disadvantage in this deck and the factory maybe i will think about it for a bit, but I just find that creatures without indestructibility is somewhat misplaced in the deck.

Posted 29 December 2009 at 09:20 as a comment on Kaldra


The reason there is no Islands is to "minimize" the speed loss it could provide as Gatekeeper and Hexmage costs BBB and BB, that means if I played an Island I would not be able so summon the creatures as fast, even though Jwar Isle Refuge comes into play tapped (makes it best for turn 1) it still lets me play a kicked gatekeeper on turn 3 (unless the land is played on turn 3 that is) an Island would never have allowed that.

Posted 28 December 2009 at 10:45 as a comment on UB Vamp Bouncer


OK, renamed the deck and replaced Cancel.

Posted 27 December 2009 at 11:38 as a comment on Play Denied


I must have messed the Archetype up then. Thought counters counted as board control. And to Kreoex it actually have a decent winning chance against some decks, but is also rather weak vs. decks with uncounterable spells and creatures.

Posted 27 December 2009 at 11:36 as a comment on Play Denied


Could be a bit annoying, but to be really annoying it needs one thing: More Counterspells! Like 28 Counterspells 6 "Draw card" cards and 2 game finishers and 24 Lands.

Also Spreading Seas is not going to be a hard hurdle to overcome since there is only two, so I would remove them. I would also remove the mill cards and the tutors and Twincast and the two "time walk" cards could also disappear.

Power Leak and Ice Cage could preferably be replaced with some "draw card" cards to keep your hand filled. Since Sol ring is a banned/restricted card I would remove 2 or 3 of them along with the Magebane Armor, which I don't see fitting in this deck at all and after all there is only 1. Then I would chose the counterspells I like the most and add more of them to annoy a little more. :)

I would say the deck lacks a bit of focus as it is now, but not bad for a casual environment where the main cause is to have fun and a lot of different cards to vary the game play.

Posted 27 December 2009 at 09:33 as a comment on Annoying blue deck


Looks solid enough, the only problem I can see is against control heavy decks or any decks running volcanic fallout and pyroclasm. But try remove the Winged Coatl and Garruk and add 3x Sleep and you will kill aggro decks easier. Of course you could also keep Garruk and only add 2 up yo you, but I feel that Sleep fits the deck well.

Posted 27 December 2009 at 06:02 as a comment on Might of Oaks, and the Unblockables. Standard!


Happy Holiday to you too. And I would have used another card or well cards...

Posted 25 December 2009 at 16:30 as a comment on HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!!!


if you want to cut it to a 60-card deck I would remove following cards:
Dawn Elemental, WWWW is just an insane cost in a tricolour deck.
Larceny, just a discarding action and you only got one of them anyway, could be put in the sideboard if you made one.
Wall of Shadows, they are just too risky with only 1 toughness and are killable by almost all non-black spot removal.
Uncle Istvan, again a card with a mana cost extremely specified so the same as Dawn Elemental
Commander Eesha would probably be the last card I would remove to cut to 60 cards, but if you are happy with 61 I would keep it, or maybe replace it with another Cho-Manno, Revolutionary or replace Cho-Manno with a Commander Eesha.

It really were hard to narrow the cards down, but I mainly looked at the mana cost and the ability to pull it off in a tricoloured deck and I realize after I made the cut I almost destroyed your defence.
So you might want to turn it fully offensive by replacing some of the last defensive cards, but on the other hand it was made to be a hardcore defensive deck and my cut seems to have ruined that, so you might not be able to use it, but that's all from me.

Posted 24 December 2009 at 17:05 as a comment on Unkillables/Unblockables


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