There are two issues with this deck. First it is way too slow, the second issue is that you only got 58 cards main deck.
if you run cards such as Mutilate and Barter in Blood, you need to run recursive creatures or creatures that dodges those spells. If you chose to smaller creatures anyway, try to run creatures with EtB abilities such as Gatekeeper of Malakir. Recursive creatures could be creatures such as Bloodghast, which comes back each time you play a land. Cards like Griselbrand might look good on paper, but the occasions where you get to play the card are usually few. I would recommend cutting Fume Spitter, Griselbrand, Gloom Surgeron, Vampire Nighthawk and Massacre Wurm and Tragic Slip. Instead I would add 4x Bloodghast, 4x Phyrexian Totem, 4x Chimeric Idol, 4x Innocent Blood. Then you got 4 slots left which should use used to either board sweepers or other nasty cards, that is entirely up to you. Cards I would recommend you to consider would be: Black Sun Zenith, Damnation, Smallpox, Infest, Duress, Inquisition of Kozilek and Hymn to Tourach. Of the recommended cards, Hymn to Tourach is probably the best choice and if you can't get it to fit in, I would replace something else for it. In short, there is no MBC without Hymn to Tourach, it is the best discard spell ever printed.
If you plan to use it in a legacy tournament, I would replace the Vampiric Tutor with Diabolic Vision if you really want a tutor (Since Vampiric Tutor is banned). Personally I would probably make room for Propaganda in a Stasis deck as aggro decks gets shut off early game with one of those (maybe cut 1-2 Black Vise and a Cronatog to make room, since you sholdn't need more than 1 tog anyway).
Well I guess I could take a look at it, but I won't promise anything (give a link please). But below I will give you a few hints to consider in deck building: If you don't have access to a huge card pool, I would suggest an aggressive strategy with a good mana curve, preferably mono-coloured for consistency and maybe a few "bombs" if it ends in lategame. Also remember to have removal for troublesome cards. So don't make the mistake I see a lot of people on this site do, which is making a deck that is practically useless before turn 3 or 4. And to finish off with a little tip (you might not need it), always play creatures and sorceries in your second main-phase (unless they got haste or are needed for being able to make an effective attack).
More like you nearly killed yourself in the process of killing them. It made the match-up vs. burn an auto-loss so to say.
The mana curve is horrible, you will be a blood pool on the floor before you even get started with the deck... Just saying...
Forgive me if I am wrong, but I count 11 cards needed for you to go off turn 3, which is impossible without card draw. I find the combo fun, however exchange diabolic tutor with demonic tutor if playing casual. And since you play U/B, try focus on protection instead of sheer speed, as this is a rather slow combo.
The fast black aggro decks which uses cheap efficient creatures/spells with drawbacks are called suicide black. Back in the old days suicide black used cards such as Carnophage (about the same as a Vampire Lacerator), Flesh Reaver, Phyrexian Negator and Kaervek's Spite (to finish people off). Even though the modern versions of the deck are less suicidial than the old, the name remains. You could call it mono-black aggro I suppose, but I prefer the old naming as I find it more fitting for the colour.
I would have to say that you got too many singletons, you should rather focus on fewer different cards if possible.
Skull of Orm... Honestly I did not know it existed, but it certainly looks like a card that would work well with this deck. And I might even want to recreate the deck with a white splash just for wheel of Sun and Moon, would also give me acess to an enhancement tutor and another prison card. I will start thinking a bit on your idea with Energy Field + Wheel of Sun and Moon. -Cheers
You should get some Hymn of Tourach for this deck (exchange with Mind Rot), also as stated above, Liliana's Caress over Painful Quandry. The Planeswalker are of no "real" use in this deck and only running a single copy hardly makes a difference, if you want to keep it, up to you. Instead of Corrupt I think it would be wiser to run some other specters as Guul Draz Specter and/or Shimian Specter as it adds to the discard theme. BUT if you plan to play multiplayer with this deck, keep Painful Quandry and add nasty cards like Bottomless Pit, Pox, Smallpox and Necrogen Mists. Mass discard can then be changed to your advantage by creatures like Bloodghast, Reassembling Skeleton and Nether Spirit. That was just a few ideas to change the deck. The actual deck looks fun to play for a relaxed casual match though, so if that was the intention it suits that purpose well enough.
Oh just forgot to mention that the assassin only slows gideon for a round, but it nets you another draw and as 8 of the cards can deal with him when he has hit the field there is a good chance to have 1 or 2 by the time gideon shows his ugly face.
Gideon can die to doom blade and hideous end (he becomes a creatue, so he can die for all I care), so that solves it + there is a reason why I royal assassin and memoricide in the sideboard :). Journey to nowhere is one of the factors that weakens the deck, but bringing in nighthawks from the sideboard to up your creature count helps, also if you cast duress before attacking with hellcarver to remove potential threats it helps a bit, if you are unsure if you should attack with hellcarver or not I would rather play it safe as it is a defensive powerhouse too.
The most effective sliver decks are the countersliver variants and I cannot take this serious as it got 20 ziggurats... aside from that it is a bad deck as the curve is bad too :|
You are brave, playing both bob and tutelage while having 4 and 5 cmc cards... Because even if you are giving them away, you could still flip that devasting 5 drop before you manage to do so. Also if you play vs some low curve deck, the card advantage you give them will kill you before them. Funny idea though.
I don't like the deck name... Well it looks like an ok deck, the card quality is quite high that is for sure. I would maybe run Guul Draz Vampire over tuk-tuk, for some more fodder to the Demon of Death's gate, as I certianly don't hope you want to achieve a hard cast of it. It would also greatly increase the chance of a turn 3 kill that this deck is capable of. T1, swamp -> Pulse Tracker, T2 Dragonskull Summit -> Guul Draz Vampire & Pulse Tracker, swing with you current pulse tracker (if the opponent used a fetch he is surely at 18 now maybe 17), sac the 3 creatures and cast Demon of Death's Gate, T3 Swing with Demon of Death's Gate and Fling it, and your opponent are dead... This is of course wishful thinking, but it can be achieved if you tune your deck more towards it. As it is now I give it 7/10.
Quite many singletons. With that being said it looks like it could be a fun deck to play as two games almost never will be identical. But if you want a deck with a tighter masterplan I would recommend cutting it to 60 cards and have more 4 of's.
Not a bad plan, but about the fling on leveler, attack with level smash face and then fling (can be 44 damage with distortion strike and furnace of rath out), but I do think that leyline would have a use here. I would say go for it and see where it carries you. :)
I would not really say that this deck got focus on discard. If you want a discard deck add cards like: The Rack, Hymn to Tourach, Duress, Hypnotic Specter, Nyxathid, Quest for the Nihil Stone and maybe even Pox. That being said your deck has some nice tech like Voltiac Key + Phyrexian Colossus. But it is not entirely wrong if I say you used Phyrexia vs The Coalition as basic shell for the deck, right? As a hint for you, use 4 of a card more and fewer different cards as it greatly improves the chance for you to get the cards you want, when you want them. Also watch out for your mana curve, being able to do something every turn is always a good start on the way to win a game, in your case it would mean less 3cmc and 4cmc cards and more 1 and 2 cmc cards, you can keep the bombs (expensive cards) as the can be great late plays. Hope you enjoy your deck and I think it might be fun enough to play as it is when you are having a good time with some friends.
Now I am (unfortunately) going to mention a more expensive card, Stifle. It can counter the exiling of your library, normally it is used alongside Phyrexian Dreadnought (which is not a card you would like for casual play because of the price), but in a leveler deck like this you can still have your leveler + distortion strike to beat face for 2 turns in a row, instead of focusing on one turn alone. When not focusing entirely on one turn, you can remove the white mana for the deck and go monoblue, this leaves you with a more solid mana base and you could consider running some See Beyond, Careful Consideration and/or Forsee. Of course if Stifle's price is too high, you might consider red instead of white, as you can add Mass Hysteria and Fling while keeping the Double Cleave, and in that way gives you more cards to interact the Leveler for the kill in one turn. (Furnace of Rath might also be useful). And as a last note (yet another not-so-cheap card) Pact of Negation is awesome for decks trying to win on one turn.
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