I love the cheap but good factor of this deck. I agree with Rickell's suggestions, O-Ring is too awesome to not have in there and swap out Greatsword, Silver-Inlaid Dagger is very cool but perhaps the cleaver is more of a game changer.
You've already changed it up and splashed white. Not that into disentomb, and Go for the Throat over tragic slip any day.
I would consider Markov Blademaster, Olivia Voldaren and burn. Volt Charge is awesome with vampires and any planeswalker, proliferate. Burn is the best part of red so use it :). Also consider black control, Geth's verdict and Despise. Board sweepers in sideboard, whipflare, slagstorm, rachet bomb or Black Sun's Zenith. Surgical extraction in sideboard for sure. Also of the SoM dual land Blackcleave cliffs. Looks solid just wanted to give some things that I would consider in a vampire deck.
You are full of very constructive comments
Traitorous Blood seemed to just get stuck in my hand. Made quite a few changes, going to play test diabolic tutor as well.
Drop Gatstaf Shepherd for Huntmaster. That is all.
Very cool deck. I'd find a way to add strangleroot geist however, so good.
More expensive but not sure about better. Only thing I don't have that I would consider in this is Green Sun's and Sword of BaM. Not going to waste money on cards going out of rotation in 5 months for what these go for. Definitely has more to work with though, nice deck.
So interesting, looks standard until you get to the lands. Here is one of my standard RG variants of Undying Pod. Very fun when you get it working, but its pretty slow compared to more competitive standard decks. I wouldn't change a thing but the non-T2 stuff since it's almost a T2 deck already. Most recent version I've played with in a tourny, went 1-2, 2-1, 2-0, 0-2. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308173 Got smoked last round in about 15 minutes by a Heartless summoning UB deck. I had to mul to 5 first game and second game I only had 3 lands after 5 turns. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308173
Just don't like dismember, please explain to me why you would use it over doom blade or go for the throat in your Main Deck. Otherwise super cool.
I would add 2 more volt charges but I don't know what you could take out for it :). Looks solid and a Sorin, LoI or 2 would be very cool in this deck. What are you thinking for sideboard?
Traitorous Blood is definitely not a mainstream card, don't think I've seen it used in a tournament that I've played in. Ton of cool points though for flavor. I think it works great with a large creature deck, you take out a blocker for one, also if it happens to be a 1 toughness character I believe it would be placed in the graveyard if I have Heartless Summoning in play, and if its more of a threat, its yours for a turn. Getting in your opening hand could lead to an early lead and late game could turn to a win. Bloodgift Demon is very cool I agree. If a get anymore I will consider adding for sure. Thanks
My first attempt with this idea was a few weeks ago, didn't get any likes or comments, nice to see more people seeing the potential. I have a more refined version I'm still working on, but this was the first attempt. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308173
Play tested this deck vs mono-black infect deck during downtime at a draft last night and it got smoked. Infect is coming back. I didn't sideboard anything but in a tournament against infect I'd put as much burn and removal as possible, so add Beasts, Slags and Veils for Wild Hunger and werewolves. Thanks for the likes but I still don't think I'd take it to a tournament. Tournament quality I think will need to add some sort of ramp, otherwise it is very susceptible to anything quick, burn or infect.
Thanks for your comments, I agree with most of your points as them being the problem areas. Wild Hunger and Kessig Wolf Run are redundant and Brimstone volley isn't as good as lightning bolt but I I'm not keen on Shock. Brimstone Volley is more of a legal blow card. So I'm thinking drop it to 2 and either drop kessig wolf and wild hunger to 3 total not 6 and then incorporate shock i think. Looking at the front page werewolf post I'm liking the ramp incorporated into the deck.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308090 my werewolf deck
I'm trying to work out a competitive werewolf deck aswell. Mine is pretty similar. You may want to look at grabbing a couple kessig wolf run's. Outside of that it's really just playtesting. You want some removal, something to counter artifacts and other permanents (ancient grudge, beast within), weanie sweeps like slagstorm, whipfalre and corrosive gale. I like shock and Green Sun's Zenith. If you take this to FNM, let me know how it works for you.
Looks like a lot of fun, what would you do with it for standard? I didn't really like the one that was up on daily MTG.
I know there is a way to make a werewolf deck really good, just haven't figured it out. Is this for modern? I have a standard that I've been working on. I really want to have some red spells in there like incinerate, gut shot, galvanic blast, slagstorm, whipflare, something to be more effective and more competative all around. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=308090 If yours is for modern let me know. Dual lands? Kessig Wolf Run? Also I like curshing vines, beast within is also a good option for 2{G}. Increasing savagery is awesome too, would like to fit that one in but I went with mutagenic growth and titanic growth hoping that i get them turn 2 and 3 and get the early hurt using Wolfbitten Captive and Reckless Waif.
Thanks a for the suggestions, has me brewing.
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