Really like this deck, best of what RG can do with aggro and making the most of Thunderous wrath with probe and noxious revival. I don't have swords but this is really close to what i was running the other week. Too bad aggro just doesn't cut it in standard right now. Great deck.
Looks great man, still not giving up on RG, been on cockatrice with it. Pretty fun but dies to the new Innistrad block decks and the normal top decks more often than it wins, but when it wins it is fun :).
Faithless looting? But I think UB is probably a lot better, blue has been owning standard for a while now.
Went with this: Thanks for putting it together.
Can I get your thoughts on why bordarland ranger over solemn simulacrum? I like what you've done as well. Let us know how you do tomorrow if you are using for FNM.
Pillar of flames over galvanic blast in your case, you only have 4 artifacts its near impossible you will ever see more than 1, if one at all, since this deck never sees past 14 cards.
Having 28 land probably isn't necessary in this case. Without ramp you can only play so many land, I think you will just end up floading yourself with mana. Other than that looks like a fun deck.
Haste and hexproof = awesome. I really like this version dude. Let us know how this does play testing and FNM if you take it.
How many points do you get for most expensive Standard Deck? :) Looks like a lot of fun. Are you actually going to use this and do you have the cards for it? If so report your play testing results. Only thing it looks like you are missing in green sun's zenith to ensure Prim Titan getting out Turn 4.
Yes I agree with getting Defiance out early as possible, turn 3 you are looking at mana leak or something. Concerning Rush of Blood, i just wasn't sure about it, didn't know what to take out, wanted the hexproof pumps but you are right they should be in here somewhere. Trusted Forcemage costs 3 CMC. I think it's more for; get him out turn 2 or 3, then drop wolfir turn 4 or 5, if the mauler managed to last that long you now have a 8/8 hitting the turn he hits rather than waiting another turn. Another thought, it's RG so I want to have Huntmaster in so bad just don't think he goes with the deck. If moonmist targeted humans I'd work on something to make it happen. Can't play test yet still waiting on my uncommon/common set, should be in this week then I'll try to get on it. Cheers and let me know how you do with your deck.
I'd go with brimstone volley or thunderous wrath instead of Pillar of Flame myself. Actually rally the peasants would win some games i think.
Yeah I originally had 3 phyrexian metamorph in the deck but the local shop sold their copy before I actually picked it up so was forced to drop it to 2 :). I love Inferno Titan. My first thought when building this was, Urabrask turn 3, Inferno Titan turn 4...quick game :). One of the best plays I've had playing this deck was turn 5 or 6 I was running out of options and running out of life, down to 5, opponent (my brother) at 12. Wasn't getting anything out. I had a second heartless summoning in hand, one in play, had land and Urabrask on the field and thats it. Drew Rune-Scarred demon, played second heartless then played the demon for 3, tutor metamorph, take 2 play for free, tutor metamorph, take 2 play for free, tutor Myr Superion, 3x 4/4 flying coming in for the win. He was pissed.
Very cool deck, hope it works out after release. Gave me some ideas to update my RB deck:
Like pretty much the whole deck, but why forge devil over say furnace scamp just as an example. Do you seem to encounter a lot of 1 toughness creature decks?
changed up again. Went 2-1, 1-2, 2-1, 1-2 in recent FNM
Super, I really like this rendition. I would use Dragonskull summit however just cause you know that turn 4 you are gonna draw a stupid Blackcleave cliff and have to play it tapped. I guess with faithless looting you reduce the suck factor of that. But I think its almost impossible for you to get only your dual lands in your opening hand without at least one mountain. I like that you have reckless waif in there, but where is volt charge? too slow, too high a mana cost?
night terrors, despise also
geth's verdict and distress and standard.
Very cool deck, I went with RG undying pod due to my affinity for those colors, but this is quite good, better. I really like having undying evil in there, makes for easy decisions when you have to get to the sideboard. I'd go 3 go for the throat, 2 doomblade, 3 corrosive gale, 3 autumn's veil and 4 naturalize. Gives you a very good spread to counter difficult decks.
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