nice deck... consider bojuka bog to remove the cards from the graveyard of your opponent. take a look at my discard deck it is pretty powerful: :)
woooops wrong name Radiant, Archangel that one ehehehehehe gains +1/1 for each flying creature u have
put radiance in your deck :)
nice deck man what about didgeridou?
ahahha nice deck man i love different tribal decks take a look at mine and comment :
change the dark banishing for something else. go for the troath maybe
cool deck man i would add some liliana´s specter instead of the ravenous rats because of the fly. check my discard deck too and comment: great idea man
cool deck man!!! check my fungus deck and see what u think:
Cool deck take a look at mine and comment:
put the card that u tap 2 vampires and destroy target creature and gain 4 life... that would be good
Cool deck; i have my dwarven toss deck... take a look and comment:
maybe u can put some spiders... then it would be a spider deck :D
check my land destroy a land destroy deck have to be quick or you wont be able to hold your enemy. price of glory to end your annoying blue enemy ;) it is very fast and i lost only a few times with it
good deck but like he said before u need to hold your enemy or he will destroy you quickly. Hypnotic specter, liliana's specter is good. check my discard deck... it is very efective:
how about due respect?
great idea.... finally a different deck, not a infect or artifact deck good job :D
there are 2 cards that can help your deck a lot i dont remember the name but the first you take any number of lands andput them on top of your library. they use the other and put the top five lands on the game. it is a great combo for your deck... check later nice deck
oh man and remove stone rain and put molten rain much better
why not pyromancer ascencion? :D copy your stone rain by example twice ehehehehe :D nice deck man!!!
u really need coat of arms man? change it for cover of darkness maybe, u wont have SO MANY creatures that this card will worth it... maybe put door of destinies... i think it is better
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