nice deck instead of this Emblem of the Warmind put fervor... it is better for only one more mana
if you want an idea i would put Stampeding Wildebeests and Farhaven Elf. every turn you make send the Elf back to your hand and every turn you would have a new land. OR New Frontiers... :D several lands for you OR Undiscovered Paradise... but i think this card is a little expensive because of landfall i hope i have helped
how about lure. Put it on the berserkers and you will have a BIG gorilla :D
i liked :D
cool deck put some giant growth so you can use it on the enemy creatures to make more insects for u
NICE DECK!! i have my unblockable deck... a have some great cards that will give you some ideas: comment there pls
i liked your deck. I agree with befos... dont put 4 tutors... just 2
i would remove monomania, too expensive the guy would have probably used all his cards already.
NIce deck... i love discard decks take a look at mine and comment pls:
nice deck man i really liked take a look at mine to help
take a look at mine... i know it has 2 colors but it is a great deck good work man but i would put thallid and the defender thallid
i liked :D!!!!
i would remove 2 kamhal look at my deck looks like yours:
put some lure maybe or something better... some giant growth to use on the creature that blocked your living hive or nakuto so u make more insects
cool deck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why did they bring grenade back? it is so abusive nice deck man
nice deck man... i think im going to do another kind of giant tribal deck too :D
hey i really like your deck. It is different from my idea but i like the Thundercloud Shaman
why the spellkite and maybe some semblance anvil to put your dragons faster. Or geosurge...
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